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Train the world’s greatest F-35 and F-16 fighter pilots                                                                                         Jan. 29, 2016
                                                                                                                                                          Vol. 16, No. 4

„ F-35 goes to airshow, 3
„ Airman sings for joy, 4
„ Legal receives award, 4
„ Fire station spifs up, 5
„ Exchange offers tax

    prep, 7

                         Airman 1st Class Ridge Shan  Staff Sgt. Daniel Fournier, 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron Air Force Repair Enhancement Program technician, checks
                                                      the continuity of the pins on the fuel master switch Jan. 19 using a multimeter at Luke Air Force Base. Luke AFREP techni-
    BAY ORDERLIES ASSIST                              cians repair a variety of items from wiring harnesses, aircraft electronics, communication cables, headsets, aircraft panels to
                                                      ground support equipment electronics and more.
                                       See Page 10
                                                      AFREP team ‘makes it rain’ at Luke AFB
                                                                 Story and photo by                      company to fix the item. If we can’t fix the    group, which allows the maintainers to view
Action line ............................. 2                         Senior Airman                        item using these three options, we will then    their technical data while working on the
Briefs..................................... 3                         GRACE LEE                          send the item to DRMO.”                         aircraft,” Errington said.
Spotlight ................................ 4
Diversions ........................... 20                              56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs     AFREP technicians are skilled and               While Luke’s AFREP team may be small,
Sports.................................. 23                                                              trained to make advanced repairs.               their base impact is big.
                                                         With ever-growing budget cuts and
QUOTE OF THE WEEK                                     dwindling resources, it’s never been more             “We have circuit card repair capabilities       “Saving money is something everyone
                                                      important to save money in today’s Air             thanks to the miniature, micro-miniature        should be concerned with, especially in
   “This short Air Force journey is                   Force. That’s where the Air Force Repair           soldering school down at Davis-Monthan          times of budget cuts and cutbacks on
not about having the ideal career.                    Enhancement Program Airmen at Luke                 Air Force Base,” said Tech. Sgt. Nathan         personnel,” Fournier said. “The amount of
It’s about the experiences. There is so               Air Force Base step in.                            Errington, 56th EMS AFREP manager.              money we save each year through repairs
much more to being an Airman than                                                                        “This repair capability has enhanced the        gets put right back into the base. Some of
just an AFSC — it’s the experiences.”                    AFREP acts as a last stop before broken         skills of our technicians allowing us to make   it goes toward cosmetic repairs and some
                                                      or damaged parts are sent to the Defense           quality, long-lasting repairs.”                 goes to buying more versatile equipment for
              Master Sgt. Ida Bushey                  Realization and Marketing Office to be                                                             maintainers, or to whatever area the wing
      56th Mission Support Group                      disposed.                                             In addition to circuit card repairs, Luke’s  or maintenance group deems necessary.”
                                                                                                         AFREP technicians can repair wiring har-
 WEATHER                                                 “We pick up parts from the Flight Service       nesses, aircraft electronics, communication        For Fournier, being an AFREP technician
                                                      Center then conduct the research neces-            cables, headsets, aircraft panels, ground       is priceless.
                  Today                               sary to determine if the part is salvageable       support equipment electronics, and more.
                                                      or repairable and can be restored to its                                                              “This is a very rewarding job,” he said.
             66°/35°                                  original function,” said Staff Sgt. Daniel            On average, Luke AFREP technicians           “Every time I look at the air park or go
                                                      Fournier, 56th Equipment Maintenance               save the base $100,000 monthly. In fiscal       into an aircraft maintenance unit, I see the
                       Sunny                          Squadron AFREP technician. “If the part            2015 alone, AFREP Airmen saved Luke             results of our hard work. The money we’ve
                                                      is repairable, we fix the item in-house. If it     $1.5 million in parts replacement.              saved has enhanced the look of our base as
                                                      isn’t, we’ll check to see if an agency on base                                                     well as the way our maintainers perform
                                                      can fix it before we send it off to an outside        “With the money saved, the base was able     their day-to-day jobs. I love my job and what
                                                                                                         to fund the air park museum renovation          it has done for Luke.”
                                                                                                         along with new laptops for the maintenance

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