Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 1-29-16
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Thunderbolt NEWS Jan. 29, 2016 5
Fire station rescued from decades of wear
by Senior Airman Airman 1st Class Ridge Shan vations, including new ceiling tiles, high-
GRACE LEE efficiency-light-emitting-diode lighting, a
)520/()75RQ6LWHV)LJKWHU&RXQWU\3DUWQHUVKLSSUHVLGHQWDQGH[HFXWLYHGL- revamped kitchen with Corian countertops
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs rector, assists Brig. Gen. Scott Pleus, 56th Fighter Wing commander, during the and brand new cabinets, three remodeled
A ribbon cutting ceremony of the newly $LU)RUFH%DVH7KHUHQRYDWLRQVLQFOXGHUHPRGHOHGURRPVKLJKHI¿FLHQF\OLJKWLQJ the building, and more. In addition to the
renovated fire station took place Jan. 20 at and new interior paint. Chief Master Sgt. Christopher Horsman, 56th Civil Engineer renovation, many items were donated to the
Luke Air Force Base. 6TXDGURQ/XNH)LUH'HSDUWPHQW¿UHFKLHIZDVDOVRRQKDQG fire station including theatre chairs, TVs,
a pool table, an ice maker, a commercial-
Two newly bronzed fire hydrants have Air Force can’t do anything about it,” said said. “So when we submitted our offer of grade refrigerator, two sets of washers and
been placed one on each side of the entrance Ron Sites, FCP president and executive gift to Luke Air Force Base, we were the dryers, and more.
of the 56th Civil Engineer Squadron Fire director. “The fire station immediately ones who created the wheel of how to go
Services fire station. Once inside, visitors came to mind when we were identifying about doing something like this. There’s For one Luke firefighter, the renovations
get the smell of fresh paint on the walls, see areas that needed support.” not another example of a project for a are doing more than raising the firefighters’
new matching tiles in the hallway and see nongovernmental entity to come in and quality of life.
perfectly white ceiling tiles above. FCF had to go through a unique process provide a gift of this magnitude in the
to ensure the project was approved. Air Force.” “The renovations have definitely boosted
While the fire station today is pleasing morale around here,” said Staff Sgt. Gar-
to the eye, things weren’t always this way. “Creating an offer of gift wasn’t easy The project used $185,000 toward reno- rett Christensen, 56th CES Fire Services
since nobody has done this before,” Sites logistics NCO in charge. “My favorite part of
“Prior to the renovation, the fire station the renovations is the pool table because it
was pretty dated; there’s no doubt about brings everyone together and helps us get to
that,” said Chief Master Sgt. Christopher know each other on a more personal level.”
Horsman, 56th CES Fire Services fire chief.
“The carpet was loose, had rips and was With the renovation complete, FCF is
unsafe. There were also nine different kinds looking forward to future projects.
of tile between the bathroom, hallways and
kitchen. Other than the bunkrooms and “First and foremost, this project proves to
other additions built ten years ago, it hadn’t the military we can accomplish something
been updated since 1996.” of this size,” Sites said. “Secondly, it proves
to the community we can do it.”
The idea to fund the renovation of the fire
department was driven by Fighter Country Luke’s fire chief shares his gratitude.
Partnership along with the Fighter Country “I could say thank you all day long but
Foundation. what this group is doing for us is beyond
words — they’re taking care of us,” Hors-
“It’s been a three-year process to identify man said. “It’s just a truly amazing thing
areas on the base that need attention and how they’re putting their words into action.
if they’re not deemed mission critical, the
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