Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 1-29-16
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Thunderbolt NEWS Jan. 29, 2016 7
Exchange partners with Block remainder of the TDY effective the day
to offer discount tax prep fee after the orders were amended.
The Internal Revenue Service expects change general manager. “With the coupon, Flat rate per The rate of per diem is determined
more than 150 million tax returns to be filed shoppers can receive 5 percent off a future diem explained by the length of the TDY on the orders
this tax season, with more than 70 percent purchase or 10 percent off when paying with and amendments. Per diem rates, in-
of taxpayers receiving refunds. To take the a MILITARY STAR® card, with a maximum What is it? The flat rate per diem cluding flat rate per diem, are located
guesswork out of filing for military members savings of $100.” rule changes for long-term temporary at
and their families, the Army & Air Force Ex- duty went into effect Nov. 1, 2014, and site/perdiemCalc.cfm.
change Service is teaming with H&R Block Luke Exchange shoppers who use the tax apply when government lodging and/
to provide tax preparation services at a 10 preparation service are also eligible for H&R or meals are not available at the TDY It is important to note that, even if
percent discount. Block’s national sweepstakes, which awards installation. the cost of lodging is under the reduced
$1,000 to 1,000 people daily through Feb. 15. rate, reimbursement will be for the au-
Filers who use H&R Block’s services Winners will be notified via email by H&R Who is affected? Anyone assigned to thorized amount. For example, if a TDY
through the Luke Exchange will receive Block. Additional information about the a TDY of 31 days or longer is subject to to Keesler is for 45 days, the per diem
complimentary year-round access and sup- sweepstakes can be found on H&R Block’s flat rate per diem. is limited to 75 percent, which would be
port. Military shoppers will also receive H&R website at $66.75 for lodging and $38.25 for meals
Block’s Audit Assistance to help in preparing and-conditions.pdf. How does it work? If a TDY is to any and incidentals. If the lodging cost is
a response in the event of an audit. one location for 31 to 180 days, per $55 per night, reimbursement will be
The Luke H&R Block office is open 9 a.m. diem is limited to 75 percent of the lo- for the authorized amount of $66.75.
“As an extra incentive, Luke shoppers to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 10 cal maximum per diem. If the TDY is This does not apply if the member
who use H&R Block’s services will receive a a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, and is located inside longer than 180 days, the per diem is had no lodging costs (e.g., stayed with
coupon to use the next time they shop at the the Luke Exchange Mall. limited to 55 percent. It is important to friends or family). If the member is
Exchange,” said Aileen Rivenburg, Luke Ex- note that the rate of per diem is for the unable to arrange commercial lodging
Courtesy of Army & Air Force Exchange Service entirety of the TDY, not 75 percent for under the reduced rate, a commercial
the first 30 days and then 55 percent travel office must be contacted for as-
EXPERIENCE (from Page 2) appreciation of those experiences, you can thereafter. Furthermore, if the TDY is sistance. If a CTO is unable to arrange
focus less on your AFSC not being all you originally 180 days or less, but then suitable lodging, then the actual cost of
of stepping stones. With each step you take dreamed it would be and more on where the is extended beyond 180 days, the per lodging may be authorized. However,
another stone is revealed. Step out of your Air Force needs you to be. diem is reduced to 55 percent for the the meals and incidental expenses
comfort zone — explore new culture, attend portion of per diem remains reduced.
a college class, join a professional organiza- “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste
tion and travel at each assignment. Soon experience to the utmost, to reach out ea- These are just a couple of answers to
you will start to appreciate being one of the gerly and without fear for newer and richer common questions about the per diem
fortunate few to be called an Airman. With experience.” change. All of this information, and
more, can be found in the Joint Travel
—Eleanor Roosevelt Regulation, Chapter 4, Part B4.
For more information, call the finan-
cial services office at 623-8566-3977.
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