Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 1-29-16
P. 8
Jan. 29, 2016 NEWS Thunderbolt
PEOPLE the veteran’s branch of service, she noted. The DOD conducts the anonymous HRBS that are willing to “roll up their sleeves” and
FIRST “Families (also) need to know DOD is every three years to get a comprehensive donate, these survivors would not be with us.
update about the health behaviors of mili-
Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is going to be there when the honors are re- tary members. No personal identifiers on
compiled from information from the Air Force quested,” Skillman added. this survey will be asked, however, this $UWLFOHEORRGGRQRUPRQWKEHDVLOHQW
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup- questionnaire will be linked to survey KHURZLWKJLIWRIOLIHDVS[
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness DOD policy is mandated by law to pro- participation.
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel vide a minimum of a two-person uniformed AF implements more
office and armed forces news services. For the detail to present the core elements of the security measures
complete story, go to the web address listed at funeral honors ceremony, and one service $UWLFOHDLUPHQSDUWLFLSDWLRQQHHGHGIRU
the end of the story. member must represent the veteran’s In response to tragic events that have
branch of service, she said. KHDOWKVXUYH\DVS[ taken place on and off installations over
2I¿FLDOXUJHVIDPLOLHVWROHDUQ the past few years, Air Force commanders
about veteran burial honors %ORRGGRQRUPRQWK%HD can take additional measures to secure per-
$UWLFOHRI¿FLDOXUJHVIDPLOLHVWROHDUQ silent hero with gift of life sonnel and property on their installations
Planning funerals for military veterans DERXWYHWHUDQEXULDOKRQRUVDVS[ through three programs that allow service
and retirees can be overwhelming for their The Air Force has a long history when members to carry weapons.
families, and the Defense Department’s Airmen participation it comes to the national blood donation
director of casualty and mortuary affairs needed for health survey system. The system dates all the way back The Air Force Security Forces Integrated
wants family members to familiarize them- to World War II when the Army Air Corps Defense team established and implemented
selves in advance, when possible, to know The Air Force needs input from Airmen created the capabilities to transport much the Unit Marshal, Security Forces Staff
what to expect with military funeral honors. on issues that directly affect the health, needed blood products from the United Arming and Law Enforcement Officer Safe-
well-being and readiness of military mem- States into campaign theaters. ty Act programs that will enable command-
Deborah Skillman said families should bers and families by participating in the ers the ability to increase his or her force
learn about military funeral honors eligi- Health Related Behaviors Survey that will This capability significantly increased protection measures on their installations.
bility ahead of time to know what choices inform the Defense Department of potential the survival rate of wounded troops dem-
are available. She also recommended that health problems in the military community. onstrated from the previous war. From then “We looked at active-shooter incidents
family members should ensure they have until today the Air Force still provides this across the country and there are statistics
access to the veteran’s discharge papers, “Your participation in the 2015 HRBS lifesaving capability not only in war, but out there that show where many ended
also called DD Form 214, to prove eligibility. is critical to assessing health-related during peacetime operations. without police intervention because there was
readiness,” said John Fedrigo, the Air Force somebody there who had a concealed carry
It’s also critical for family members who deputy assistant secretary. “I hope you will Blood donations truly are “the gift of life.” permit or somebody interdicted the active
want military funeral honors to tell the choose to support this vital effort.” Not only whole blood, but blood products shooter,” said Maj. Keith Quick, the Air Force
funeral director, who can make the request such as plasma, can be rapidly infused Security Forces Integrated Defense action
for them, Skillman said. The honors are not The 40-minute survey is voluntary for ac- into a severely injured person or given as officer. “These programs allow commanders
automatic, and must be requested through tive components and Coast Guard members. treatment for various blood disorders. This the ability to arm additional trained Airmen
Some personnel will be randomly selected provides lifesaving treatment to those who who could interdict before police arrive and
to complete an anonymous health review otherwise would not have survived. are trained to stand down when police arrive.”
via email and mail invitation. Members can
complete the survey on any computer with For those who have been deployed or
Internet capability and should be accurate watched a wounded warrior commercial, you $UWLFOHDLUIRUFHLPSOHPHQWVDGGLWLRQDO
and honest as possible about diet, exercise, have most likely seen firsthand recipients of
stress, substance use and alcohol. this valuable gift. However, without people VHFXULW\PHDVXUHVDVS[
SOUND “Watching “Riding dirt “Going to an “Sometimes it’s
OFF! movies with bikes. It’s stress old-fashioned videogames,
my daughter free, and I enjoy baseball game other times it’s
What is your favorite at Harkins it immensely.” with hotdogs, drawing, listening
past time? Theater Clas- cotton candy, to music or going
Why? sics Tuesdays, mascots, dirt out with friends.”
to show her and simple bat
movies I grew and ball.”
up with.”
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