Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 1-29-16
P. 12
Jan. 29, 2016 Thunderbolt
DATE: 24 FEBRUARY STREET of shoplifting at the base exchange. Security
TIME: 1000-1400 BEAT forces detained a dependent after video evi-
dence confirmed items taken without render-
WHERE: CLUB FIVE SIX The 56th Security forces Squadron handled ing full payment upon leaving the building.
the following incidents Jan. 19 through 24 at Glendale police responded and assumed control
SPONSORED BY: Luke Air force Base of the situation.
56TH COMMUNICATIONS SQUADRON 7LFNHWV Jan. 22: Security forces responded to a report
of shoplifting at the base exchange. Security
For more information and to pre-register go to Security forces issued citations for 25 moving forces detained a dependent after video evi-
Please contact Lizzi Bollinger and seven nonmoving violations. dence confirmed items taken without render-
ing full payment upon leaving the building.
for technology and company requests: Emergency responses Glendale police responded and assumed control
of the situation.
Jan. 19: Security forces military working
dogs and handlers assisted Surprise police Jan. 23: Security forces responded to a re-
with a bomb threat situation. There were no port of Airmen carrying a passed-out Airman
findings. Surprise police assumed control and up a stairway. Security forces determined all
conducted further investigations. Airmen involved were underage and had con-
sumed alcoholic beverages with the exception
Jan. 22: Security forces responded to a report of one. Security forces contacted medical to
of a medical emergency in base housing. Upon tend to the passed out Airman and provided
the arrival of security forces, the individual was first aid until medical arrived and took control.
being treated by on-base medical services. The The other Airmen were apprehended for Article
individual was transported to a nearby hospital 92/Failure to obey a lawful order and released
for further treatment. to their first sergeants.
Jan. 23: Security forces responded to a report Alarm activations
of a medical emergency in base housing. Upon
the arrival of security forces, the individual was Security forces responded to two alarm ac-
being treated for chest pains by on-base medi- tivations on base.
cal services. The individual was transported to
a nearby hospital for further treatment. 7LSRIWKHZHHN
Nonemergency responses Avoid driving when tired. Be aware that
some medications cause drowsiness and make
Jan. 21: Security forces responded to a report operating a vehicle dangerous and in some
cases illegal.
Courtesy of Senior Airman Brian LeFevere
56th SFS
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