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Thunderbolt NEWS Jan. 29, 2016
Don’t miss your chance to vote Chaplain’s thoughts ...
For those planning to vote Mississippi: March 8 (P, S) FVAP/Forms/fpca2013.pdf), “Sometimes you have to look real- of resilience in Lake Woebegone, it is not
in the states below, visit Puerto Rico: March 13 (P, or pick up a hardcopy version ity in the eye and deny it.” so useful where we work and live. In the now to complete a from your voting assistance real world we have to face our realities,
registration application and Republican primary only) officer or nearest U.S. Em- ~ Garrison Keillor understand them for what they are and
request an absentee ballot Florida: March 15 (P) bassy or Consular Office. endeavor to separate some of the harsh
for the presidential prefer- Illinois: March 15 (P, S) American writer and entertainer Gar- and painful emotions from the event. We
ence primaries (P) and state Missouri: March 15 (P) Not voting in these states? rison Keillor is a master story teller. He, of need to acknowledge the good and bad of
primaries (S): North Carolina: March 15 Find your state’s primary course, is the creator of the mythical town the situation, pick up the life lessons found
February 30-day notice election dates at of LakeWoebegone,Minnesota,(circa 1950s in our personal crises and then move on a
New Hampshire: Feb. 9 (P) (P, S) Select the state you want to and 60s). A place where “all the men are wiser, hopefully more resilient and graceful
South Carolina: Feb. 20 (P, Ohio: March 15 (P, S) register to vote in from the good looking, all the women are strong and people.
Arizona: March 22 (P) drop-down menu at the top all the children are above average.”
Republican primary only) April 90-day notice left-hand side of the home As you face your personal crisis, I invite
South Carolina: Feb. 27 Wisconsin: April 5 (P) page. To find your state’s In his weekly monologues he often speaks you to acknowledge your grief,pain and loss.
New York: April 19 (P) election website for specific of the ability of the residents of Lake Woe- Communicate with caring people who will
(P, Democratic primary Connecticut: April 26 (P) information on candidates, begone to deny reality. Denial, for Lake walk with you through your difficult time.
only, tentative) Delaware: April 26 (P) elections, contact informa- Woebegonians is the preferred means of Seek counsel from a mental health provider
March 60-day notice Maryland: April 26 (P, S) tion, and links to your local dealing with harsh or unpleasant realities. or pastoral care provider as needed, espe-
Alabama: March 1 (P, S) Pennsylvania: April 26 (P, S) election offices, visit FVAP’s cially if your pain continues to limit your
Arkansas: March 1 (P, S) Rhode Island: April 26 (P) contact page ( For example, the small town, religiously ability to carry on your daily responsibilities
Georgia: March 1 (P) contact). conservative residents would be scandalized associated with work and family.
Massachusetts: March 1 (P) It only takes a few quick by a wedding which included a pregnant
Oklahoma: March 1 (P) steps to make sure your For more information on bride.But that’s not a problem,because they Denial may work in Lake Woebegone,
Tennessee: March 1 (P) vote is counted no matter the Federal Voting Assis- have the near epic ability to deny reality but for the rest of us, we sometimes need
Texas: March 1 (P, S) where you are in the world. tance Program or need help and say things like, “She’s ‘big boned,’”or help from friends and professionals to work
Vermont: March 1 (P) To register and request your with the absentee voting when the child arrives four months after our way through the difficult and painful
Virginia: March 1 (P) ballots, complete the Federal process, go to or the wedding, they again deny reality and times of life.
Louisiana: March 5 (P) Post Card Application using call FVAP at 703-588-1584 say “That’s the largest premature baby I
Idaho: March 8 (P, Republi- the FPCA online assistant (toll free 800-438-VOTE or have ever seen.”It’s comical for the listeners, Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
can primary only) ( DSN 425-1584) or email and it seems to work … in Lake Woebegone.
Michigan: March 8 (P) istration-ballots), or fill out ( Courtesy of Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Larry Fowler
the PDF ( While denial may be a preferred method 56th Fighter Wing Chaplain
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