Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 1-29-16
P. 19

Thunderbolt                                            SPORTS                                                                                                         Jan. 29, 2016

                                                                                                                                              Varsity softball tryouts
Flag football makes comeback
                                                                                                                                                 Luke Air Force Base varsity softball
    Story and photo by Airman                     together to discuss future lineups,” said     egress journeyman and 2015 flag football      team tryouts will be held at 5 p.m. today
              PEDRO MOTA                          Benjamin Williams, 56th LRS traffic           coach. “We are coming out this year looking   and 10 a.m. Saturday at base softball
                                                  management journeyman and 2015 flag           to win it all.”                               field 3. For more information, call Lon-
                56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  football coach. “Last year, we dominated                                                    nie Gore at 623-856-2903.
                                                  both sides of the ball by stopping the other     With all teams fired up and ready to go,
   After dominating the 2015 Intramural           teams from scoring points by taking away      each coach glanced at the future lineups      7KULYHIRU
Flag Football tournament in 2015, the 56th        their best players and forcing them to win    with a look of determination.
Logistics Readiness Squadron flag football        another way.”                                                                                  Thrive for 5 is a free weekly run-
coach attended the Winter Flag Football                                                            The first teams to throw down on the       ning program through March 19 to
2016 Tournament coach meeting Jan. 15                The LRS team overwhelmed 56th Com-         gridiron were 56th Equipment Mainte-          help members improve their time and
at Luke Air Force Base.                           ponent Maintenance Squadron with a            nance Squadron ammo and 56th Medical          endurance. For more information, call
                                                  final score of 20-18 earning them the 2015    Group Jan. 19. The score was 38-12 MDG.       the Luke Air Force Base Bryant Fitness
   The participating flag football coaches        championship title.                           These teams set the tone for the rest of the  Center at 623-856-6241.
were given bylaws for the purpose of                                                            2016 tournament.
establishing guidelines and operational              “LRS worked us in the finals last year,                                                  Youth gymnastics
procedures for the intramural flag football       but this year we’re sticking together as a       “We plan to employ the same tactics as
program.                                          team and will capitalize on any advantages    last year,” Williams said. “But, we do wish      Youth, for ages 6 to 16, gymnastics
                                                  we get,” said Trevor Stark, 56th CMS          the other teams the best of luck and hope     classes are 5 to 6 p.m. for beginners
   “Coaches from each team gathered                                                             we continue to dominate.”                     and 6 to 7 p.m. for intermediate level
                                                                                                                                              Monday and/or Wednesday at the 56th
                                                                                                                                              Force Support Squadron Youth Center.
                                                                                                                                              The cost is $45 for eight classes and
                                                                                                                                              $35 for four classes a month. For more
                                                                                                                                              information, call 623-856-7471.

                                                                                                                                              Hoops for Fun

                                                                                                                                                 Hoops for Fun Basketball Clinic is
                                                                                                                                              9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Jan. 30 at the 56th
                                                                                                                                              Force Support Squadron Youth Center
                                                                                                                                              for youth ages 5 to 12. Skill building in
                                                                                                                                              the fundamentals will be covered. The
                                                                                                                                              cost is $35 per person and includes a
                                                                                                                                              T-shirt, lunch and a certificate of partici-
                                                                                                                                              pation. The deadline to register is today.
                                                                                                                                              For more information, call 623-856-7470.

                                                                                                                                              Junior golf clinic

                                                                                                                                                 Falcon Dunes Golf Course is offering a
                                                                                                                                              junior golf clinic 9 to 10 a.m. Saturday for
                                                                                                                                              ages 6 to 17. The cost is $20 per person.
                                                                                                                                              For more information, call 623-535-9334.

of the

                      NBA Today       Senior Airman              Lt. Col.                                      1st Lt.             Senior Airman             SSgt.
       3KRHQL[YV1<.QLFNV          Alec Potter       Michael Roberson                                  Kyle Street        Deven Aguiar-Frank       John Cooper
                                                       56th Operations Group                    56th Mission Support Group  56th Maintenance Group  56th Medical Group
           &OHYHODQGYV'HWURLW    56th Fighter Wing                                                       1<.QLFNV
             2UODQGRYV%RVWRQ           3KRHQL[                3KRHQL[                                                             1<.QLFNV            3KRHQL[
                                         &OHYHODQG                Detroit                                      Detroit                &OHYHODQG           &OHYHODQG
           0LDPLYV0LOZDXNHH             2UODQGR                Boston                                      2UODQGR
                                            0LDPL                 0LDPL                                        0LDPL                    Boston              Boston
  +RXVWRQYV2NODKRPD&LW\               Houston            2NODKRPD&LW\                                2NODKRPD&LW\                  0LDPL               0LDPL
            1<1HWVYV'DOODV          1<1HWV               Dallas                                     1<1HWV                 Houston         2NODKRPD&LW\
             0LQQHVRWDYV8WDK          Minnesota                 8WDK                                                                 Dallas               Dallas
                                          &KDUORWWH              3RUWODQG                                       8WDK                     8WDK                 8WDK
          &KDUORWWHYV3RUWODQG         LA Lakers              LA Lakers                                    &KDUORWWH                 &KDUORWWH           &KDUORWWH
    /$/DNHUVYV/$&OLSSHUV                                                                               /$&OLSSHUV               LA Lakers           /$&OLSSHUV
                                       *ROGHQ6WDWH           *ROGHQ6WDWH
                  NBA Saturday             Detroit               Toronto                                   *ROGHQ6WDWH              3KLODGHOSKLD       *ROGHQ6WDWH
*ROGHQ6WDWHYV3KLODGHOSKLD             %URRNO\Q                                                            Toronto                   Detroit             Toronto
                                           ,QGLDQD            1HZ2UOHDQV                                     %URRNO\Q                 %URRNO\Q
              Detroit vs. Toronto                                 ,QGLDQD                                     Denver                    Denver           1HZ2UOHDQV
    %URRNO\QYV1HZ2UOHDQV            6DFUDPHQWR              0HPSKLV                                      0HPSKLV                                        ,QGLDQD
                                          Houston                Houston                                      Houston                6DFUDPHQWR
             'HQYHUYV,QGLDQD                                                                                                      Washington          6DFUDPHQWR
     6DFUDPHQWRYV0HPSKLV             San Antonio             &OHYHODQG                                    &OHYHODQG               San Antonio            Houston
       Washington vs. Houston            63 percent            44 percent                                   SHUFHQW                44 percent
    6DQ$QWRQLRYV&OHYHODQG            SHUFHQW            SHUFHQW                                   SHUFHQW                43 percent         San Antonio
     Last week’s percentage                                  ³'HFLVLRQVKDG                                ³1RKRFNH\              ³*RWSLFNV"´         50 percent
     Year to date percentage               ³,WZDV           WREHPDGH´                                   WKLVWLPH´                                  SHUFHQW
                                       FUXQFKWLPH´                                                                                                 ³,VWLOOKDWH6HDWWOH
                        Trash talk                                                                                                                     &DUROLQDWRR
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