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Know your rights about debt collection
Power of One Chaplain’s By CPT Constance M. Moorhead appeal. Contact the Legal Assistance O ce for
Legal Assistance Attorney and SVC
is being revoked.
lion transistors for every human being who ere is something that over- When an account goes into collection, it’s help if you are informed your security clearance
has ever lived! comes extension neglect — sur- stressful and overwhelming for anyone. But Under California and federal laws, debt
We’ve grown accustomed to using extraor- prisingly, it’s the number one. It’s di cult to identical twins aren’t exactly alike. Further- debt collection can be especially troublesome collectors are not allowed to call other people
dinarily enormous numbers. We use terabytes imagine that the number one is more power- more, personality tests con rm that although for military service members. Frequent moves without your permission to tell them that you
to measure our computer’s hard drive space, ful than, say, 13 sextillion yet it is absolutely we share many emotional similarities, no two and relocations can make it di cult for service owe a debt, continue to call or contact you if
we speak e ortlessly of trillion-dollar bud- true. For example, our response to a disease people are the same. God creates each of us as members to keep up with bills and collection you asked them in writing to stop doing so,
gets, and we don’t give a second thought to changes the moment a friend or family a unique person, and when we’re gone, there notices. If an account does go into collection, or harass/abuse/annoy you, which means they
describing a large city as one with at least member is diagnosed with it regardless of its will never be another person like us. Being debt collectors often use aggressive tactics to try cannot contact you at inconvenient places or
one million inhabitants. Huge numbers don’t prevalence in the general population. If we one is meaningful – there is a profound con- and collect payments. However, e Federal times, use abusive language, or threaten to
seem to trouble us; we’ve absorbed them into know one of the people in Florida displaced sequence in discovering one’s distinctiveness. Trade Commission (FTC) enforces the Fair harm you, your loved ones, or your property.
our lexicon with little notice. by the storm, we are far more empathetic When we search for meaning, let’s not Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which Additionally, they may not lie to you or mis-
Or maybe there is a problem. “Extension than if we only know that 1,000 people jump into the latest fad or fashionable trend makes it illegal for debt collectors to use abu- represent the amount you owe.
neglect” refers to our inability to cope with are homeless. Charities seeking to defeat an — meaning isn’t found in being a face in sive, unfair, or deceptive practices when they Debt collectors cannot report your debt to
escalating numbers — the point when larger illness or social condition normally select the crowd. Likewise, let’s not regard others collect debts. e key to successful interactions your command. Debt collectors cannot contact
numbers no longer correlate to a greater, one person who becomes the “face” of their as commonplace — it’s hard to exhibit love with debt collectors is to know your rights your command in order to collect a debt, unless
more appropriate response. For example, if fundraising e orts — the power of that one for those we nd mundane. Instead, content- under the law. they have your consent to do so. Consent is not legitimate, you can make an appointment with the debt in writing as soon as possible. If you
Ltc. Donald Ehrke a man or woman hears that 1,000 people are recognizable face exceeds the power of huge ment and meaning are located in following How Does the Law Protect You? valid unless you give it after the debt becomes an attorney in the Legal Assistance O ce by dispute the debt within 30 days of the rst
due. You are not required to give consent.
homeless due to a recent storm in Florida numbers rolled into statistics. e number God’s design — seeing ourselves and others Debt collectors cannot revoke your security calling 760-380-5321 or stopping by during time the collector contacted you, the collector
Fort Irwin Deputy Command Chaplain their empathy won’t increase even if they one is powerful in its capacity to trigger as individuals worthy of a ection. We may clearance. Debt collectors can report debts to Debt collectors cannot garnish (automati- o ce hours to Bldg. 230 on the corner of C must stop collection until it shows you written
Humans have produced around 13 sextillion discover that the true number is 10,000 or empathetic, humane responses. never be able to tell the di erence between a credit reporting agencies. Reported debts will cally take payment from) pay unless a court Ave. and 3rd Street. proof of the debt.
(13,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) tran- 100,000. Numerous studies con rm exten- Not surprisingly, God is one and God trillion, a billion, or even a million, but when show up on your credit history report and may entered a judgment against you. In most Whenever possible, prevent your accounts While you are on Active Duty, you may be
sistors. is makes the transistor the most sion neglect — some numbers are simply too created us in his own image — one at a time. we grasp the power of one we’ll never look at lower your credit score. During a background cases, debt collectors cannot garnish veterans’ from going into collections. Set up automatic able to lower the interest rate on your debts and
produced item in history — about 118 bil- large for us to truly grasp. Recent genome research tells us that even the world the same way again. investigation to review your security clearance, bene ts. To learn more about military pay payments when you can and always make sure postpone your mortgage payments, car lease
credit history is just one of many factors in garnishments and involuntary allotments, visit
determining your clearance level. You have the to update your address to avoid missing bills. payments, and other payments. e Legal As-
sistance Team can help with all of these things,
Don’t ignore debt collectors! If a debt col-
11th Armored Cavalry Regiment right to get free copies of your credit report and What are Your Options?
If you have questions or concerns about lector is trying to collect a debt that you do and the sooner you get an attorney involved,
dispute incorrect items. If your clearance gets
suspended due to debts, you have the right to whether an attempt to collect a debt is legal or not owe or already paid, you should dispute the more success you are likely to have.
acquires three new horses West Point Cadets shadow NTC Featured on CBS2,
11th ACR Soldiers KCAL9’s Veterans’ Voices
The 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment’s Horse Detachment is excited to announce that
they’ve acquired three more horses for their Detachment. The horses were brought out
for the demonstration on the Army’s birthday where Lt. Col. Williams, the Regimental The 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment welcomed cadets with the United States Military Brig. Gen. Curtis Taylor alongside Sfc. Six and Ssg. Smith gave an impassioned interview
Deputy Commander, gave them their names. From left to right: Fritz, Yano, and Wickam, Academy’s Class of 2022 to Fort Irwin and the National Training Center. The cadets to CBS’s weekly segment “Veterans’ Voices.” The segment revolved around NTC’s critical
they are named after the Regiment’s three Medal of Honor recipients; Cpt. Harold Fritz, Sfc. will shadow junior o cers within the regiment to experience rst-hand the rigors and mission of being the premiere training center for the United States Military. The segment
Rodney Yano, and Cpl. Jerry Wickam responsibilities of command, and develop as leaders throughout Rotation 21-08. aired on June 29, and can be found on
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