Page 25 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 11-6-15
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                                               Wall RI Honor
                                                   R E D E D I C AT I O N

                                                                      VETERANS DAY
                                                      Wednesday, November 11th, 2015

                                                                  10:00 am - 12:00 pm

                                               Please join us to honor our resident veterans with a Wall of
                                               Honor rededication ceremony. Enjoy live entertainment
                                               by Recollections Variety and delicious refreshments as we
                                               UHPHPEHU WKH VHUYLFH DQG VDFULÀFH RI RXU UHDO OLIH KHURHV
                                               Lance Undhjem, a retired Major General of the U.S. Air
                                               Force, will be present for a personal introduction of each of
                                               our veterans. We look forward to seeing you!

                                                         For more information and to RSVP, please call


                                               ©2015 HRG 14930 West Wigwam Blvd, Goodyear, AZ
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