Page 2 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye July 15 2016
P. 2
2 July 15, 2016 Commentary BULLSEYE
That I may serve
By Lt. Col. Charlie Norsky together to command space and cyber “ at I May Serve” is more than the leadership in the squadron, I asked the
systems to deliver global combat e ects. dedication to the mission however. It also same question, “what do you need from
2nd Space Operations Squadron commander For me, servant leadership is about the means that as Airmen and leaders, we me to do your mission?”
mission and the people. must be willing to serve one another. A
SCHRIEVER AIR FORCE BASE, As Airmen, we are all responsible commander is responsible for both the My hope is this question will be
Colo. — In the summer of 1998, I re- for embracing self less service, often mission and the people executing the echoed throughout the unit, down to
ported for new cadet basic training at the having to put the mission ahead of our mission. I am humbled by this responsi- each and every Airman who ensures
Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, a military own personal needs. In my short time bility and I embrace both aspects of this our e ects are delivered on time and on
institution for all ROTC cadets attending here at Schriever, I have seen the way charge. As a servant leader, I recognize target.
Virginia Tech. our space and cyber professionals have the expertise, ingenuity and profession-
come together under the Space Mission alism of those in my command and I Moving forward, I will ask myself
Within hours, I was taught a Latin Force construct to deliver unprecedented strive each day to empower them. To em- each day how it is that I have served.
phrase that would eventually shape the e ects downrange as a total force inte- power them, I know I must serve them.
way I conceptualized the role of a mili- grated team. I must provide them with a command at service may be measured in combat
tary leader—Ut Prosim. is month, the Global Positioning climate that enables them to embrace e ects downrange, one-on-one feedback
System will reach its 21st anniversary their profession of arms in order to pro- sessions with the professionals I lead or
is phrase is not only the motto of since being declared fully operational duce results. In service to them, I know I a performance report that is written ac-
the university and its Corps of Cadets, in 1995. is anniversary, number 21, is must provide them with honest feedback curately thoughtfully, and on time. at
it is a mindset instilled into the young particularly signi cant for Team Black- and ask them to provide the same to service may be measured by removing
o cers being developed there. Its English jack, the total force compilation of the me. I must listen to them as they tell me a road block in front of a mission com-
translation is, “ at I May Serve,” and 2nd and 19th Space Operations Squad- what they need to get the job done. I have mander trying to develop tactics dur-
has become foundational to the lead- rons that command and control the con- pledged to them that I will get them what ing advanced training or by teaching
ership role I have now assumed as the stellation. Twenty-one years of GPS suc- they need or explain why I cannot. I serve a first-term operator the importance
commander of the 2nd Space Operations cesses have been made possible because them through my leadership, by provid- of debrie ng a er a mission. Whatever
Squadron. the men and women of Team Blackjack ing guidance and enabling them as they form that service takes, I will wake up
have embraced a sense of sel ess service execute their part of the mission for the each morning with the same charge—to
e concept of servant leadership is and dedication to our mission. 50th Space Wing. As I met with the ight serve those that I lead. e question one
nothing new, but the way in which we should be asking themselves now is “how
embrace it as a culture of air, space, and is it that I may serve?”
cyber professionals must be at the fore-
front of our consciousness as we work Ut Prosim Team 5-0!
Tenth Air Force’s Critical Days of Summer:
Strive for zero motor vehicle accidents in August
By Brig. Gen. William Binger In the four 2011 mishaps involving the intersection because you have the you make it almost impossible for them
motor vehicles, all involved distracted “right-of-way” or do you look both ways to hit you. You’ve created miss-distance.
10th Air Force commander driving. Interestingly, none of the 10th before going into the intersection be- When they go through that red light
Air Force personnel were distracted - all cause distracted drivers (who are busy without you in the intersection, you have
NAVAL AIR STATION JOINT RE- were hit by a distracted driver. Addition- texting, jabbering with their friends, maneuvered your motor vehicle and your
SERVE BASE FORT WORTH, TEXAS — ally, no 10th AF personnel were legally changing the radio station, etc.) don’t body in a manner that did not allow oth-
As we nish the 101 Critical Days of at fault. really care whether or not you have the ers to hit you. You created miss-distance.
Summer, I’d like to ask that each one of “right-of-way”? If they hit you...yes, they
us use just a little bit more caution than “Well, there’s no way to prevent those are legally at fault. But, if you’re in the Creating miss-distance can be applied
we normally do from August to mid- kinds of accidents from happening” hospital with non-recoverable injuries, throughout all phases of getting from
September in the nal days of the CDOS. some might say. does it really matter whether you had the point A to point B, not just when trying
“right-of-way?” to avoid a distracted driver that barrels
Last year during this period, we ex- Really? through a red light. ink about it ... just
perienced eight ground mishaps across Actually, there is: maneuver your mo- ere is only one way to nearly assure a little. It will make a di erence.
the numbered Air Force, a 60 percent tor vehicle and your body in a manner that others don’t hit you: maneuver your
increase over the normal rate - four that does not allow others to hit you — motor vehicle and your body in a manner During 2012’s 101 CDOS, 10th AF had
involved a motor vehicle with a driver create miss-distance. By putting more that does not allow others to hit you — a great rst month in avoiding ground
39-46 years old; one resulted in coma/ distance between you and things that can create miss-distance. If you elect not to mishaps; unfortunately, the rest of the Air
multiple injuries/amputations while hit you, you increase the time allowed to drive through the intersection when the Force had six motor-vehicle fatalities. A
another was fatal. We just can’t have avoid a mishap. It’s that simple. light is green because you see a car that few weeks ago, our luck ran out: One of
that this year. is year, let’s have zero Scenario: You’re in the car and the looks like they are not going to stop, then
accidents involving motor vehicles. light turns green. Do you just go through __________ See ZERO, on page 16
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