Page 8 - March ARB Beacon 11-20-15
P. 8

8 November 20, 2015                                                                                                
                                                                                            Do you know the new tax
American Indian
                                                                                            requirements under the
Heritage Month 2015
                                                                                            Affordable Care Act 2015?
Prepared by Dawn W. Smith
Defense Equal Opportunity Manage-                                                 
ment Institute
                                                                                               Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the federal
   National American Indian and Alaska       in United States military combat contin-       government, state governments, insurers, employ-
Native Heritage Month celebrates and rec-    ued in the 1980s and 1990s as they saw         ers, and individuals are given shared responsibility
ognizes the accomplishments of the origi-    duty in Grenada, Panama, Somalia, and          to reform and improve the availability, quality, and
nal inhabitants, explorers, and settlers of  the Persian Gulf.                              affordability of health insurance coverage in the
the United States.                                                                          United States.
                                                It is recognized that, historically, Amer-
   This presentation reviews the historical  ican Indians have the highest record of           For the 2015 tax year, Defense Finance and Ac-
milestones that led to the establishment     service per capita when compared to other      counting Service (DFAS) is required to furnish a Form 1095 to each employee
of National American Indian Heritage         ethnic groups.                                 that worked any full time hours. MyPay has been updated to allow you to elect
Month, covers various aspects of Ameri-                                                     to receive this tax form electronically. Civilian employees are highly encour-
can Indian and Alaska Native life, and          The reasons behind this disproportion-      aged to log into myPay to turn on electronic delivery. Go to myPay and from
honors the contributions of our Native       ate contribution are complex and deeply        the main menu of myPay, select “Turn On/Off Hard Copy of IRS Form 1095.”
Service Members.                             rooted in traditional American Indian cul-
                                             ture. In many respects, American Indians          Electronic delivery is the fastest and most secure method to receive your
   The Society of American Indian Gov-       are no different from others who volunteer     1095 once it becomes available in January of 2016. Please opt in to receive an
ernment Employees has chosen this year’s     for military service.                          electronic copy no later than December 31, 2015.
theme, Growing Native Leaders: Enhanc-
ing Our Seven Generations.                                                                     Visit for more information on the
                                                                                            ACA and tax reporting. For additional details on the tax information you will
   During the Vietnam conflict, more than                                                    be receiving from DFAS, visit
42,000 American Indians—90 percent of
them volunteers—fought in Vietnam.                                                             If you have questions about logging into myPay and/or making changes to
                                                                                            your electronic elections in myPay, contact the DFAS Centralized Customer
   The contributions of American Indians                                                    Support Unit at 1-888-DFAS411 or 1-888-332-7411 and select option #5.

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