Page 8 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, March 2021
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8 March 2021 Desert Lightning News Desert Lightning News March 2021 9
Davis-Monthan holds annual load crew competition D-M opens new lodging facility
by Senior Airman
NiChoLAS RoSS by Senior Airman Support Squadron and CE worked to get this project
NiChoLAS RoSS over the finish line.”
355th Wing Public Affairs To contact the Air Force Inns Heritage Inn front
355th Wing Public Affairs
The 354th and 924th Aircraft Maintenance Units competed in desk or make reservations, call (520) 519-6000 or email
the annual weapons load crew of the year competition at Davis- The new Air Force Inns lodging facility held its grand
Monthan Air Force Base, Feb. 5. opening ceremony at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base,
Load crew competitions showcase the combat readiness and Jan. 27.
effectiveness of load crew teams to safely and properly arm an The $60 million facility provides increased capacity,
aircraft within time constraints to meet mission regulations. Win- modernized amenities and replaced the existing lodg-
ners of the quarterly competitions compete against each other for ing facility.
the year, the highest level for weapons loading on Davis-Monthan. The new facility provides industry standard accom-
“This competition is a weapons tradition,” said Tech. Sgt. Mark Airmen from the 924th Aircraft Maintenance modations to guests, increasing Airman resiliency and
Drennen, 355th MXG loading standardization crew chief. “It’s Unit prepare to load munitions on to an A-10 readiness.
how we recognize the best weapons load crew on base.” Thunderbolt II at Davis-Monthan Air Force “As Airmen come in and out of Davis-Monthan or
The competition consists of a dress and appearance inspection, Base, Feb. 5. The load crew was one of two bring their families to visit, they deserve to stay in the
a written test, tool box inspections and loading munitions on an teams to compete in the 2020 load crew Air Force’s newest premier lodging facility,” said Col.
A-10 Thunderbolt II. competition of the year. Michael Borders, 355th Mission Support Group com-
“It was exciting to compete in the competition,” said Senior mander. “More and better rooms will hopefully reduce
Airman Najee King, 354th AMU weapons load crew member. Photos by Senior Airman Nicholas Ross the stress of moving.”
“I felt very proud of myself and my crew for the way we loaded The load crew representing the 924th Aircraft The 162,000 square-foot building contains 262 rooms
during the competition and all of the loading and training lead- Maintenance Unit stands by an A-10 Thunderbolt and new amenities that were previously not available.
ing up to it.” II during the 2020 annual load crew competition at “There is central HVAC, elevators, luggage carts and
The winners of the competition will be announced at the Main- Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Feb. 5. The load guest laundry rooms on all floors,” said Daniel Baker,
tenance Professional of the Year Banquet later this year and crew competition consists of a dress and appear- Air Force Inns Heritage Inn general manager. “There Photos by Senior Airman Nicholas Ross
will have their names displayed on the aircraft in the weapons ance inspection, a written test, tool box inspec- will be a Rickenbacker’s Coffee Shop coming soon.” Col. Joseph Turnham, 355th Wing com-
mander, and Daniel Baker, Air Force
standardization hangar. tions and loading munitions. Davis-Monthan is proud to offer a modern, comfort- Inns general manager, cut the ceremo-
“I got to do what I do almost every day,” King said. “We went able and world class place to stay for all active duty,
out there, we were competitive, and we had fun doing it.” LEFT: Airmen from the 924th Aircraft Maintenance retired military, Department of Defense civilians and nial ribbon during the grand opening
With these competitions, load crews continue improving their Unit secure munitions onto an A-10 Thunderbolt their families while they visit the installation. of the new lodging facility at Davis-
skills and effectiveness, as well as creating new relationships II at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Feb. 5. The “The completion of this project is a credit to the hard Daniel Baker, Air Force Inns general manager, and his staff pose in Monthan Air Force Base, Jan. 27. The
$60 million facility provides increased
which will build a stronger and more dynamic team. 924th AMU load crew was one of two teams to work and dedication of Mr. Baker and his awesome team front of the new lodging facility at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base,
compete in the 2020 load crew competition of the and our Rescue and Attack civil engineer professionals,” Jan. 27. The Air Force Inns held a grand opening to celebrate the new capacity, modernized amenities and re-
year. Borders said. “I cannot overstate how hard the Force facility. placed the existing lodging facility.
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