Page 4 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, February 2020
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4 February 2021 Spotlight Thunderbolt News 5
February 2021
Military tax services available through Military OneSource From virtual to reality: F-35A, B-2 conduct joint training mission
by Staff Sgt. squadron at Luke AFB, which hosts five
by may be additional need for that support FRANKLiN R. RAmoS partner nations for training. This opened
TeRRi mooN CRoNK online and over the phone,” she said. the doorway for taking training with a B-2
MilTax availability runs until mid- 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs from a virtual environment to reality.
DoD News
October for service members who need Ten F-35A Lightning II fighter jets from “We’re really the only ones (here) with
Filing taxes can be a daunting task ev- extensions. the 63rd Fighter Squadron “Panthers” the ability to integrate with the B-2 in this
ery year, but the Defense Department has “That’s simply because we know that the participated in a joint capstone training capacity,” said Gossner. “One of the biggest
helpful resources for active-duty service tax season usually ends in April, but for our mission with two B-2 Spirit stealth bombers benefits to this are the relationships that
members and their families, and it’s all free military community, sometimes people are assigned to the 509th Bomb Wing, White- we’ve built with the B-2 pilots. We had the
through Military OneSource. overseas or they are in a combat zone, and, man Air Force Base, Missouri, Nov. 18, 2020. ability to go out to Whiteman Air Force
Tax services for the military — also so, they’re able to file those extensions, and The Panther Capstone, an offensive Base to mission plan with them to under-
known as MilTax — is DoD’s approved tax- (we are) there to help them file their taxes counter air attack mission, enabled F-35 stand how they think about threats and
filing and tax-support service — including at a later time,” Smith said. and B-2 pilots to operate their aircraft in a the tactical problems and then share with
tax preparation and e-filing software and Smith said she is not tracking any signifi- joint combat environment against multiple them how we think about the same issues.”
personalized support to deal with issues cant changes in tax law for the 2020 filing advanced adversary air and surface-to-air Of the 10 F-35 pilots, six were instructors
such as deployments, combat and training year that would affect service members and missile threats. Staff Sgt. Franklin R. Ramos and four were students who were preparing
pay, housing and rentals, multistate filings, their families. “This was a first-time event for White- An F-35A Lightning II assigned to the 63rd Fighter Squadron takes off, Nov. 18, 2020, to graduate. According to Gossner, no stu-
and living overseas. “But the 2020 Social Security tax deferral at Luke Air Force Base. Ten F-35s from Luke AFB participated in a joint exercise with
“They can connect with a (tax) consultant is a big thing at this time,” she noted. “We man’s B-2s integrating with Luke’s F-35s,” two B-2 Spirits from Whiteman AFB, Missouri. During the exercise, F-35s pressured dents who have graduated from Luke AFB
during the tax season, and even past (it), are referring and connecting filers with (the said Lt. Col. Christopher Diller, 509th BW enemy air defenses, escorted the bombers to deter enemy aircraft, and dropped have ever participated in a flight like this
through October, but in addition to hav- Defense Finance Accounting Service) and program manager and B-2 pilot. “As the bombs to soften the target areas for the B-2s. The 63rd FS, which trains students to prior to arriving at their operational unit.
ing that live support walking through the with the IRS regarding questions and con- number of F-35s increase, the understand- become F-35 pilots, usually uses simulations to conduct this training, but had the “Our B-coursers who are graduating are
filing process and asking questions that Courtesy graphic cerns they have outside of the tax deferral.” ing and interoperability between the vari- opportunity to train students in a real world environment instead. going to graduate as fully mission ready
are specific to the military around taxes, Also, MilTax can guide its military filers ous platforms must increase. What better wingmen,” said Gossner. “With this being
they’re able to access the MilTax software,” “That’s huge in the military commu- services every year in high numbers, who have questions surrounding the eco- way to facilitate this than at the capstone such a core part of our mission, we really
said Kelly Smith, program analyst with nity, because our families are (going which provides continuity and knowledge nomic stimulus package from 2020. event at the F-35 schoolhouse?” to be able to hold targets at risk,” said Capt. students using real-world assets instead. wanted to put the emphasis on such a
the DoD’s Military Community and Fam- through permanent changes of station) of the armed forces’ needs. “I want to ensure that our service mem- The F-35 is the U.S. Air Force’s latest Sean Gossner, 63d FS instructor pilot and “Typically, we train for LO escort by us- high-end training to prepare our B-course
ily Policy. MilTax consultants are available and moving multiple times,” Smith noted. At this point, this year’s tax deadline bers and families know they can turn to fifth-generation fighter designed to provide flight commander. “We finally got to practice ing simulated assets that are not actually graduates for the fights that they are going
virtually. Overall, the MilTax services are de- for filing 2020 taxes is April 15, although Military OneSource and the tax service as the pilot with unsurpassed situational this with real B-2s for the first time at Luke airborne with us, which leads to various to be in and that could be as soon as they
An advantage to the MilTax software, signed to be stress-free, Smith said. last year it was extended to July 15 a trusted source, and (MilTax services) un- awareness, positive target identification, Air Force Base with the Panthers.” training limitations,” said Gossner. “To be get to their new units.”
Smith noted, is it’s designed and tailored “(People) can rest assured that they because of COVID-19. If there is an ex- derstand taxes as it relates to the military and precision strike in all weather condi- The 63rd FS, known colloquially as the able to bring together everything with 10 F- Gossner and Dilller said they hope both
for the military community. are working with tax professionals who tension this year, Smith said MilTax is community,” Smith said. tions. Panthers, trains students to become F-35 35s and two B-2s against a robust air threat units can conduct this training more often,
E-filing allows service members to file know and are familiar with military tax prepared for it. Call Military One Source at 800-342- “The F-35 was built to be able to escort pilots. They often use virtual simula- picture and surface-to-air missile threat ensuring Luke AFB delivers combat-ready
their federal returns along with up to three situations,” she said, adding that many “Our staff and our consultants are 9647, or visit: https://www.militaryone- low observable (LO) assets like the B-2 into tions to replicate B-2s for this training, picture was incredible training for us.” Airmen to provide a more lethal force
state returns at no cost. MilTax consultants return to offer their positioned to fill in the gaps where there highly defended territory in order for them but this mission offered training for The Panthers are a U.S.-only B-course around the globe.
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