Page 13 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, April 30, 2021
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12 April 30, 2021 veterans’ news Desert lightning news s. nevADA Contact me today to learn more about buying or selling!
veterans embrace recovery through climbing KIM CHITWOOD
NMLS #BS.0047410
M: 702-303-0175
by Greg Frazho has been teaching climbing munity to become a part of.”
North Las Vegas, Nev. techniques for 15 years. “It’s “I think that rock climbing
team building and teamwork; is great,” said Galen, a patient 2635 St. Rose Pkwy., Suite 200
One of the best things climbing is an incredibly sup- at LVR3. “You get out and are Henderson, NV 89052
about group therapy is simply portive community.” able to test yourself mentally as
that sessions are conducted While the challenge of well as physically. Personally, it
amongst and in mutual sup- climbing can be intimidating, was a great experience. I have
port of one’s peers. veterans and mentors both found a sport I like I can do all
Whether in a recovery or scaled the walls with compo- by myself, as well as work on my ©2020 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker® and
the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker
overcoming an addiction, the sure. The “rocks” ranged in inner self and thoughts while I Real Estate LLC. Coldwell BankerReal Estate LLC fully supports the principles of
VA Southern Nevada Health- both size and difficulty, but all am conquering the climbs.” the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each office is independently
owned and operated.
care System’s Residential Re- participants met the challenge “It challenged me mentally
covery & Renewal Center, head on. and physically,” said Wade, Contact me today to learn
uses unique methods of team “I think today went really another patient at LVR3. “It more about home financing!
building. well,” said Chris Hayes, a recre- actually made me think I found
Recently, a group of veterans ation therapist at LVR3 and one a new hobby and maybe some- HEIDI WOODRUFF
participated in such an activity of the on-scene mentors at the thing I could get my son into.”
as they strapped on harnesses Red Rock event. “Each veteran Red Rock Canyon continues Loan Officer
and climbing shoes at the gave it their all and did great.” to attract veterans with recre- O: 702-623-8227
Red Rock Climbing Center to “There is an entire com- ational opportunities, and they Depend on the dream team to M: 702-755-0857
face obstacles and reach new VA photograph munity of people from around can join the climbing commu-
heights. A participant in the LVR3 climbing event descends from the ceiling the world who have a passion nity as part of the reintegration help find your perfect home
“This [event] was meant after reaching the top. for rock climbing,” Hayes process. 8485 W. Sunset Rd., Suite 202
to introduce veterans to gym continued. “By introducing “We have it set up so our Las Vegas, NV 89113
climbing and rock climbing,” to [acclimate] them to basic emphasized its interoperability veterans to rock climbing, veterans can have free entry to VA home loans for eligible military homebuyers
said Craig DeMartino, a climb- climbing movements.” with recovery. not only are we giving them a the climbing gym and free gear
ing manager with Adaptive While climbing might seem “There are a lot of transfer- recreational activity they can use, even upon discharge, so
Adventures who helped facili- unusual for veterans struggling able characteristics,” said the continue upon discharge, we they can climb whenever they No-down-payment options No lender fees* Low credit score minimums Heidi Woodruff (NMLS ID # 679014, NV 63908) is an agent of Draper and
tate the event. “It’s a great way with addiction, DeMartino 30-year climbing expert who are also giving them a com- have the desire to do so,” Kramer Mortgage Corp. (NMLS ID # 2551) an Illinois Residential Mortgage
Licensee located at 1431 Opus Place, Suite 200, Downers Grove, IL 60515.
*Third-party closing costs do apply. Borrowers are required to provide Draper and Kramer Mortgage Corp. with a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to confirm eligibility. There are different requirements Telephone 630-376-2100. ( NV: Licensed as
for the COEs for each category of eligible VA borrowers. Draper and Kramer Mortgage Corp. can help borrowers obtain the necessary COE. A COE is the only reliable proof of eligibility for a lender. a Mortgage Banker No. 4658
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