Page 3 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, April 30, 2021
P. 3

2   April 30, 2021  Commentary  Desert lightning news s. nevADA  Desert lightning news s. nevADA  news                                     April 30, 2021    3           
 The human-animal bond  Resiliency Center dedicated

            On April 16, the 99th Logistics Readiness  99th LRS, Team Nellis and the U.S. Air Force
          Squadron dedicated The Kyle Campbell  who passed away March 12, 2021, after a brief
          Resiliency Center in honor of 1st Lt. Kyle  battle with Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
 by Army Capt. Cynthia Edgerton  on their owners. Pets help reduce stress,   Anthony Campbell, 99th LRS readiness flight   His life motto was “failure is not an op-
 Kirtland AFB, N.M.  anxiety and depression.  commander.  tion,” and he exhibited that in every aspect
 Recent studies at the Purdue University
 Not all Soldiers walk on two legs and  College of Veterinary Medicine examined   Campbell was a valued member of the  of his life.
 carry a rifle.  the effects of service dog partnerships on             LEFT: Second Lt.
 The U.S. Military has partnered with  the symptoms of combat trauma. The   Mafalda Brancal, 99th
 canine warriors in every conflict since the  studies found that veterans with service   Logistics Squadron
 Revolutionary War. Chip, a canine sentry  dogs had significantly less depression,   customer support
 of the U.S. Army, was the most decorated  increased quality of life and higher social   officer in charge, and
 dog in World War II.  functioning.                                     Senior Master Sgt.
 He served with the 3rd Infantry Divi-  The work of a program called Warrior   Rachael Palumbo,
 sion in countries like Italy and France  Canine Connection has shown similar   99th LRS N flight
 and was awarded the Distinguished Ser-  benefits but uses a different approach.   s u p eri n ten den t ,
 vice Cross, Silver Star and Purple Heart.  In this program, wounded warriors   unveil the dedication
 Military Working Dogs deploy around  with post-traumatic stress train dogs to   of the 1st. Lt. Kyle
                                                                                                                                                Air Force photographs
 the world and many receive awards and  become service animals. Training dogs   Campbell Resiliency   Airmen assigned to the 99th Logistics Squadron and family members of 1st Lt.
 recognition similar to Chip.  helps recovering veterans cope with post-  Center, April 16, 2021.  Kyle Campbell tour the Kyle Campbell Resiliency Center after its official opening
 As a U.S. Army veterinarian, I have  deployment challenges, and in the process,            at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., April 16, 2021.
 the honor and privilege of caring for  the veterans heal themselves.
 dogs like Chip. Each day I see evidence   Research by Canine Companions has
 of the positive effects of human-animal  shown that friendly interactions with dogs
 bonds. These benefits are not limited only  can release a powerful brain chemical that
 to the military, though. Recent research  inspires a profound sense of attachment.   RIGHT: Lt. Col. Danielle Kirk,
 has shown very real physical and social-  This chemical reaction can also reduce fear   99th Logistics Squadron
 emotional benefits to owning a pet, and,  and anxiety and increase a sense of trust.  commander, Col. Todd Dyer,
 in particular, a dog.  Pets help humans connect with others  99th Air Base Wing commander,
 Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease  In addition to physical benefits, animals   Wendie Pond, mother of 1st
 Research is being conducted around  help create human-to-human friendships   Lt. Kyle Campbell, and Chief
 the world demonstrating the positive  and lead to increased social support.  Master Sgt. Rickie Mack, 99th
 effects of canine companions on our   A survey conducted by the University of   LRS career enlisted manager,
 physical health. A 2017 study in Sweden  Western Australia, Harvard and Waltham   cut the ceremonial ribbon
 compared rates of cardiovascular disease  Centre for Pet Nutrition found that pet   officially opening the Kyle
 in dog-owning families and non-dog  owners were 60 percent more likely than   Campbell Resiliency Center,   Airmen assigned to the 99th Logistics Squadron, perform push-ups to
 owning families. With over 3.4 million  non-pet owners to get to know people in   Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., April   christen the Kyle Campbell Resiliency Center at Nellis Air Force Base,
 participants, the study showed a lower  their neighborhoods. They also found that   16, 2021.      Nev., April 16, 2021.
 risk of cardiac-related deaths in families  people who have solid social networks are
 with dogs.  50% more likely to live longer than those
 Reduced blood pressure  with limited social networks.  Our tiniest teammates
 A U.S. study recently published in the   In today’s society, especially with in-
 American Heart Association Journal,  creased usage of social media and COVID   got their hands dirty for
 “Hypertension,” followed 48 people with  isolation, many people have trouble mak-
 high blood pressure who were given dogs.  ing connections. Pets provide an incentive
 After six months, their blood pressure was  for people to get out of their homes and a   Earth Day
 significantly lower.  means for them to connect with others
 Other studies show that dog owners  over a mutual interest.
 have increased immune function and   Dogs have been part of our society for
 overall significantly fewer health prob-  thousands of years. Having a pet cannot   On April 22, children and staff from Child Development
 lems. In general, dogs keep us physically  only facilitate a healthy life-style but can   Centers at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.,  planted flowers
 active, keep us busy and give us compan-  also provide numerous other psycho-  in celebration of this year’s Earth Day and Month of
 ionship.  logical and social benefits. While canine   the MilitaryChild.
 Psychological benefits   Soldiers, like Chip and other Military
 In addition to the physical and social as-  Working Dogs, help keep the country safe,
 pects of the human-animal bond, animals  our personal pets help keep us active and   Courtesy photograph
 have an important psychological impact  bring us together as a community.  Army Capt. Cynthia Edgerton with her pet dog.

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