Page 9 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, June 2021
P. 9

8  June 2021  Desert Lightning News  Desert Lightning News                June 2021                                                                     9                                        
 cAPAbILITIES   (from Page 6)  developing ACE, DFAB, and most impor-  TEAmS   (from Page 1)  An Airman prepares to shoot dur-
 tantly, the multi-capable Airmen.                                                  ing the Advanced Designated
 Maintenance Unit aircraft mechanic. “I feel   “Our leadership is giving us great   the distance to a target. Stu-  Marksman course in Florence, Ari-
 like it was really beneficial that we got to   support to continue to develop and per-  dents also learned counter-sniper   zona, April 16. Airmen from the 55th
 do this with other career fields too, so we   fect this training as we move forward,   skills, team communication and   Rescue Squadron and 355th Secu-
 are all on the same page. No matter who we   which is greatly beneficial as we look   effective employment of ADM   rity Forces Squadron were trained
 are with, our wingmen know what to do to   to continue integrating these trained   teams.   in the classroom, as well as in the
 accomplish the mission.”  Airmen into bigger exercises such as   “Precision marksmen are an   field, on tactics, techniques and
 The Dynamic Wing continues press-  Bushwhacker and Mobility Guardian,”   invaluable force multiplier that   procedures for advanced marks-
 ing forward and accelerating change in   Baker said. “We are looking forward to   have historically had a greater   manship. This was the first course
 order to prepare to deter and defeat any   continuing to get Airmen trained and   mission impact than units much   of its kind at Davis-Monthan and it   An M-24 Rifle sits on the ground before the
 near-peer adversary that may arise. This   ready to go, as we ensure we are ready   larger in size as they further   produced four qualified Advanced   Advanced Designated Marksman course in
 is possible through the effort to continue   for tomorrow’s fight.”  guarantee the safety and security   Designated Marksman teams.   Florence, Arizona, April 16.
          of all resources and personnel
          within their area of responsibil-
          ity,” said Senior Airman Luis
          A. Padilla-Braun, 355th SFS
 Airmen carry a simulated injured person during multi-capable Airmen training at Da-  patrolman.
 vis-Monthan Air Force Base, April 30. MCA training taught Airmen from a variety of   Training Airmen to add mis-
 career field skills that will be crucial downrange including tactical combat casualty   sion capabilities enhances overall
 care, team movement, base build-up and base security.  readiness as the Air Force con-
          tinues to accelerate change for
 An Airman   tomorrow’s fight.
 guards an   “Not only did this course give
 entry con-  them the opportunity to qualify
 trol point   on this specialized weapon sys-
 during   tem, but it also enhances their
 multi-capa-  skillset to become multi-capable
 ble Airmen   Airmen,” Henry said. “This en-
 training at   sures our Airmen are trained and
 Davis-Mon-  ready for down range missions
 than Air   whenever they may be needed.”
 Force Base,   The Air Force’s most valuable   An Airman observes a target during the Advanced Designated
 Photos by Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens  April 30.   resource is its Airmen, and this   Marksman course in Florence, Arizona, April 16. Being at-  Photos by Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens
 An Airman guards an entry control point during multi-capable Airmen training at   training highlights the safety   tached to an ADM team allows members to go into high-risk   Airmen practice distance ranging during the Advanced Designated
 Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, April 30. This training was part of an ongoing effort   and readiness of Airmen to deter   areas where they may have to use cover and concealment to   Marksman course at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, April 14. Airmen
 by the 355th Wing to develop multi-capable Airmen that are ready to support the Air   and defeat any near-peer adver-  track a target down or provide overwatch support from far dis-  from the 55th Rescue Squadron and 355th Security Forces Squadron
 Force’s needs as they continue to prepare for a high-end, near-peer conflict.  sary that may arise.  tances.   went through training to become qualified as ADM teams.

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