Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, December2019
P. 15

14  December 2019  news  Thunderbolt              news                                       15
                                                                                                                                           December 2019

 DOD announces annual cost of  Become a child care provider  Chaplain’s thoughts ...            ‘Your holiday bill is on

                                                     or concluded that you do not care. Either case
 living increase to retired pay   • Set your own schedule  Servant leadership  is a failure of leadership.” — Gen. Colin Powell.   us’ sweepstakes is back
                                                       Caring for your Airmen requires time — time
                                  by Master Sgt.
 • Increase family income
                                                     that is precious, and there never seems to be
                                                                                                                                they use their MILITARY STAR
                                                     teach, to show, to mentor.
 Nov. 7, the Defense Department announced an-  These cost of living adjustments are calculated   • Stay home with your children  JOHNSON  enough of. Not enough time to listen, to talk, to   into the sweepstakes every time
                                                       We have all seen the memes of the juggler
                                                                                                                                card  at any military exchange,
 nual cost of living adjustments that will benefit   based on the Consumer Price Index for Urban   • Become licensed   56th Fighter Wing Chapel  trying to balance career, school, family, fitness,   commissary, ShopMyExchange.
 military retirees and survivors during calendar   Wage Earners and Clerical Workers for the four   Servant leadership   friends, etc., and we laugh because it is true.   com,,
 year 2020. Most military retirees will receive a   quarters ending with the third calendar quarter   • Free training and supplies  has a special place in   Much is demanded of us because we are Airmen, Armed  Forced
 1.6% increase to their retired pay beginning with   of 2019 (July, August and September 2019), and   my  heart. Through-  and we can make it happen.   Recreation Centers or Exchange
 the pay they receive on  Jan. 1,  2020.  Likewise,   generally go into effect for all pay received begin-  • USDA reimbursement available for meals   out my career I have   I hope that in the midst of all the juggling, we   Five winners will have MILITARY   mall vendor. The more shoppers
 survivors of members who died on active or inac-  ning in January 2020.  been blessed by many   find the time to care for our Airmen, because if   STAR®  balances paid in full    use their MILITARY STAR card,
 tive duty, or survivors of military retirees who   Those military retirees who retired during calen-  served  servant leaders who   we all care for those within our reach, we can   in 6th annual sweepstakes  the more  chances they have to
 participated in the Survivor Benefit Plan will, in   dar year 2019, and all military retirees who retired   invested time in taking   save more than one starfish.
 most cases, see a 1.6% increase to their annuities   under the REDUX retirement system receive a   QUESTIONS?  care of and developing   As the parable goes: One day, an old man was   DALLAS –  The only thing that   win.
 beginning in January.  slightly different annual cost of living adjustment.   their Airmen. These leaders are strong senior   walking along a beach that was littered with   could make the holidays merrier   “The Exchange is where heroes
 Survivors who are eligible for the Special Sur-  The complete list of updates to military retired and   • Call Alicia Powers at 623-856-2684  NCOs who mentor thousands of Airmen across   thousands of starfish that had been washed   is having someone else pick up the   shop, and our heroes make so
 vivor Indemnity Allowance will also receive an   retainer pay, and survivor annuities, allowances,   multiple commands. They always have kind   ashore by the high tide. As he walked he came   tab. For the sixth year in a row,   many sacrifices for their coun-
 increase to their SSIA payments that reflects this   and premiums can be found at https://militarypay.  • Go to FCC   words, smiles on their faces, a warm greeting,   upon a young boy who was eagerly throwing   that’s just what the Exchange   try,” said Chief Master Sgt. Luis
 1.6% adjustment. The maximum amount of SSIA  • Email  and a heartfelt question about your wellbeing,   the starfish back into the ocean, one by one.   Credit Program is doing.    Reyes, Exchange senior enlisted
                                                                                                  Five lucky grand-prize winners
 payable will be $323 beginning in January.  Courtesy of  and if you reach out to them, believe me, they   Puzzled, the man looked at the boy and asked   will have their entire MILITARY   advisor. “It’s an honor to give a
                                                                                                                                holiday surprise to members of
            will be there for you.                   what he was doing. Without looking up from his   STAR® card balance paid in full   the military family.”
              These senior NCOs also demonstrate an iron   task, the boy simply replied, “I’m saving these   as part of the Your Holiday Bill   MILITARY STAR has paid
            fist when it comes to upholding standards, rules   starfish, sir.”                  Is on Us sweepstakes. (Winners   nearly $200,000 in holiday bills
 REuNIoN   (from Page 6)  “I sat for a little bit and I thought ‘Wow,   WISDoM   (from Page 2)  have, and things will work themselves   and regulations, but this doesn’t mean they stop   The old man chuckled aloud, “Son, there are   whose balances do not meet the   since the sweepstakes began in
 it’s been a long time’, and he’s grown, he’s   out. Just take care of yourself.”  caring about you. If you have a setback, they hold   thousands of starfish and only one of you. What
 quick to get off the phone because he didn’t   taller,” Ageyman-Prempeh said. “I was emo-  petitive,” Robinson said.  “There’s no   Robinson said there’s no way a chief   you accountable, they tell you the consequences   minimum prize of $2,500 will   2014.
 know who his dad was,” Ageyman-Prempeh   tional because seeing him that big reminded   competition with your spouse. If my   can lead alone.  difference can you make?” The boy picked up   receive a statement credit for the   Winners will be announced on
 said.  me of the last time I saw him when he was   wife outranks me, cool. If I outrank   They said there were times when one   you will face and how you are going to overcome   a starfish, gently tossed it into the water and   difference.)  Ten more shoppers   or about Jan. 30, 2020. No pur-
  While he tried to maintain the relation-  so little.”  my wife, cool. We still have that same   would shine, and the other would be in   them. One of my favorite leadership quotes is,   turning to the man, said, “I made a difference   will receive $1,000 statement   chase is necessary to win. For of-
            “The day Soldiers stop bringing you their prob-
 ship, Ageyman-Prempeh also wanted Kofi   The family spent a month in Accra vis-  name tape on the right.  We pushed   a supportive role.  lems is the day you stopped leading them. They   to that one!”*  credits, and 25 winners will re-  ficial rules and alternate method
 to build a relationship with Adrienne and   iting parks, riding horses and exploring   each other along and enjoyed each   “You gotta have support,” Robinson   have either lost confidence that you can help them   *Adapted from The Star Thrower, by Loren   ceive $500 statement credits.  of entry, visit
 James. Separated by thousands of miles,   the city getting to know one another. But,   other’s success.”  said. “I get a chance to go  home and   Eiseley (1907 — 1977)  Through Dec. 31, military shop-  tomerAds/Page/Exchange after
 their only  means of  communication was   Ageyman-Prempeh said he knew life in the   Some military couples seemed as   hash out ideas with another chief. When   pers will automatically be entered   Nov. 1.
 through FaceTime calls.  U.S. would be challenging for Kofi, his wife   though one spouse always has the spot-  I bring it back to the unit, the ideas are
 Ageyman-Prempeh said the time differ-  and his other children.  light, while the other feels a career sac-  that much better.”
 ence and young age of his children made it   “My wife has handled it tremendously,   rifice is needed for the other to do well.  There were certainly hard times in
 difficult for the siblings to connect. Nonethe-  she’s really doing a good job and of course   “We discovered early in our careers   their years together, with deployments   Great Rates Start Here!
 less, as time passed, their relationship grew.  there’s days when the connection isn’t   that neither of us had to sacrifice,”   being the biggest challenge.
 As Ageyman-Prempeh’s life in the U.S.   there,” Ageyman-Prempeh said.  Leenette said.  “There have been many times when
 stabilized, he worked diligently on the pro-  Shaye did everything she could to provide   The couple  never got promoted the   we felt like single parents because one
 cess to reunite with his son.  a loving family for Kofi.  same year, no matter how hard they   of us was gone,” Leenette said. “I think   High Yield Money Market
 “They wanted so much from me and of   “I thought I did everything to prepare for   studied. Yet, their favorite memories of   the most challenging time was when
 course he’s my son so I was going to do   Kofi’s arrival,” she said. “But just like any   serving together were celebrating each   both of us got deployed at the same   Your cosmetic, health
 everything that I could. I sent paperwork,   other kid or baby, once they get here, all of   other’s accomplishments.  time.”  and wellness center
 and they would tell me that it’s not enough   that is out the window, and you adjust to   “My proudest moment of him was   The Josephs had to send their three   %
 proof, so I had to add even more documents   being what they need you to be.”  when he made chief,” Leenette said. “He   children to family members, and getting   Fun Sculpting
 to support it. That was the hardest part.  Now  living  in  the  U.S.,  Kofi  still  feels   worked so hard. He was taking care of   everyone on the phone at the same time
 “The process was tedious,” he said. “You’d   some of the pain of being “abandoned.”  people, and just seeing his face when he   was a logistical nightmare.  Get rid of diet-resistant    1.75APY*
 never think it would be so difficult to get   “Sometimes my son asks, ‘Daddy why   made chief was priceless.”  Yet, they pushed through.  areas and continue to
 your own blood son into the U.S. It was a   did you abandon me,” or “Why didn’t you   Robinson reciprocated the sentiment.  They learned there was a major fac-  with a minimum
 two-year process.”  bring me to the United States when I was   “My proudest moment was when she   tor in maintaining their relationships   lose weight after our high
 While wading through the process, Agey-  a baby?’” Ageyman-Prempeh said. “I had to   was a (professional military education)   over long distances: communication.   definition liposuction.  balance of $50,000
 man-Prempeh’s resolve to reunite with his   … tell him that I didn’t want to leave him   instructor, and she won instructor of the   Sometimes they got creative. One of
 son solidified even more when he learned   and, it wasn’t easy to bring him here.”  year,” Robinson said. “I always had faith   Robinson’s ways of communicating   Our procedure is done awake, so no going under with general   Flexible, Higher Interest Savings
 that Kofi’s mother was neglecting their son.  Over time, Kofi has grown to understand   that she could do it.”  was sending gifts to Leenette. While   anesthesia, only local anesthesia with oral medications for mild sedation.
 “My friends called me saying they saw my   the incredibly hard choice his father had   When there were disappointments,   deployed, he would find people pass-
 son unattended and the mother had gone   to make.  such as not making the promotions they   ing back through their home station to   Our process is a holistic approach that focuses on your mind, body and spirit.  HURRY!  OPEN AN ACCOUNT &
 [away],” said Ageyman-Prempeh. “My dad   Even though they are burdened by the   worked so hard for, being there to con-  deliver gifts and notes.
 confirmed that she wasn’t taking good care   hardships they endured, Ageyman-Prem-  sole and encourage each other carried   At the Josephs’ retirement ceremony,   OFFER ENDS  recieve
 of my son, so he had to take custody of him.”  peh is grateful for the help he received.  them through, Robinson said.  there was a scramble to add chairs be-  No big scars • No sutures  12/31/2019  a $100 BONUS!
 With Kofi now in a loving and supportive   “I’m being honest,” he said. “Without the   Though Robinson  and  Leenette go   cause so many people showed up. Leen-  Back to work in 48 hours
 environment, he could finish the process of   Air Force I don’t think the process would   to such lengths for each other, their   ette and Robinson received awards for   Use PROMO: MONEY100
 getting his son into the United States, and   have been any smoother,” he said. “I had   families, and their careers, the biggest   their service and reminisced over their   Same Day transformations
 that’s exactly what he did.  to get a citizenship to petition for my son,   thing Leenette would pass on to other   careers and lives together. Robinson   Breast Augmentation by fat transfer     Open an Account Today
 On March 4, 2019, with his wife and   which I was able to receive by joining the   military couples is it’s impossible to be   told the story of how he proposed to
 kids in tow, Ageyman-Prempeh traveled to   U.S. Air Force.”  perfect.  Leenette with an onion ring at a fast-  Breast Reduction available
 Ghana to reunite with Kofi.  With the help of the Air Force, his family   “I wanted to wake up early in the   food restaurant. He said he wanted to   Buttock Augmentation    Stop by a local branch
 “It had been eight years, and I was ready   in Ghana, his wife and younger children   morning and be the perfect wife, the   propose again, properly this time, and
 to get my son,” he said. “I was thinking   in the U.S., he finally accomplished his   perfect mom and the perfect Airman,”   surprised her by doing just that. He got   by fat transfer (BBL)  602.631.3200
 ‘What is he going to think about me’ because   ultimate dream.  Leenette said.  “For the longest time   down on one knee and gave her a ring.   Let us help you make your
 he only knew me from the phone, so I was   “I think about the whole thing, and I’m   I tried to do all three, and I failed. I   They then renewed their vows, tears in
 nervous.”  like, ‘Wow, it was so worth it,’ and I look at   wasn’t taking care of myself, and I   their eyes.  measurements by removing
 No matter how prepared he thought he   him and I can’t believe what I had to go   wasn’t good with anything because I   Ready to let the next  bright  minds   those stubborn diet resistant areas.
 was, he said the sheer amount of emotions   through to get him,” Ageyman-Prempeh   was trying to be perfect at everything.   take their place, Robinson and Leenette   1 Bonus only applicable on new Credit Union W
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                                                                                       Bonus only applicable on new Credit Union West Money Market Plus accounts opened through 12/31/2019. *APY (Annual Percentage Yield). Rate current as est Money Market Plus accounts opened through 12/31/2019. *APY (Annual Percentage Yield). Rate current as est Money Market Plus accounts opened through 12/31/2019. *APY (Annual Percentage Yield). Rate current as
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 he felt when he saw Kofi again was over-  said. “I look at my life now, it’s how I en-  You’re never going to be perfect at all   are looking forward to spending more   8550 E. Shea Blvd, Suite #120 | Scottsdale, AZ 85260  of October 1, 2019. T
                                                                                       1.75%, (2) At least one direct deposit (ACH automatic credit transaction) must post and settle to your account, (3) you must open a new checking account
 whelming, but he didn’t care because he   visioned it, with my family together, and I   three things at the same time. I say do   time with family — without name tapes,   *APY (Annual Percentage Yield).Federally Insured by NCUA.
 finally had his son back.  think it’s complete.”  the best you can with the resources you   boots and no rush.
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