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Vol. 80, No. 28                   March Air Reserve Base, California                                                                          Friday, July 17, 2015

    NEWS BRIEFS                   163rd Attack Wing stands up at March Field

  SPECIAL OLYMPICS                by Master Sgt. Julie Avey
                                  163 ATKW public affairs
   Special Olympics USA will
be holding a four-day Pre-           The California Air National                                                                   U.S. Air National Guard photo/Senior Airman Michael Quiboloy
World Games Training Camp         Guard’s Moreno Valley-based
in Riverside, from July 21-24,    163rd Reconnaissance Wing has       Col. Dana Hessheimer, commander, 163rd Attack Wing, California Air National Guard, March Air
support the team. To volunteer,   (ATKW). The wing received the       6DWXUGD\-XO\7KHIRUPHUUG5HFRQQDLVVDQFH:LQJUHFHLYHGWKHRI¿FLDORUGHUVWR
email Dan Epstein at sports@      official orders to re-designate      UHGHVLJQDWHLWVQDPHRQ-XO\E\WKHRUGHURIWKH6HFUHWDU\RIWKH$LU)RUFHWRIDOOLQOLQH         its name on July 1, 2015, by the    ZLWKWKHWHUPWKHDFWLYH$LU)RUFHKDVDGRSWHGIRULWV045HDSHUXQLWV
                                  order of the Secretary of the Air
  MILITARY DENTIST                Force. The name change was          Wing to the Reconnaissance        authorities in emergency disas-       1, 2015 after eight years, 230
          FOR UTAS                made formal during a ceremony       Wing. In only 19 months the       ter relief efforts during the third   days, nine hours and 30 minutes
                                  at March Air Reserve Base, Sat-     wing reached 500,000 flying        largest fire in California’s history,  of consecutive flights without a
   The 452nd Aerospace Med-       urday, July 11, 2015.               hours with 85 percent being       the Rim Fire. The wing provided       break supporting our warfight-
icine Squadron will provide a                                         combat hours, 31 CAPS and         more than 80 hours of real-time,      ers overseas. The wing flew
military dentist available each      “Thank you for all your hard     4,400 weekly combat hours on      full motion video in support of       1,070 sorties totaling 6,240.5
Friday prior to the A and B       work and dedication to both the     mission with the MQ-1 Predator.   CAL FIRE operations.                  hours in support of training.
UTAs through the September        mission and the people of the                                                                               Along with the daily missions
joint UTA. The dentist’s hours    163rd Attack Wing,” said Col.          The wing was recent-              The new163 ATKW started            overseas, these Airmen sup-
are 8 – 11 a.m. and 1 – 3 p.m.    Dana Hessheimer, wing com-          ly awarded two significant         its legacy with its predecessor’s     ported civil authorities during
If you or anyone in your squad-   mander. “I am proud to serve        awards. First is the Winston P.   from the 411th Fighter Squad-         fires and floods stateside, con-
ron needs a military dental       with each and every one of you.”    Wilson trophy that is presented   ron, consisting of personnel          ducted search and rescue exer-
examination, please go to the                                         to the most outstanding Air       from the 373rd Fighter Group.         cises and simultaneously sup-
dental clinic during the hour of     Members of the 163 ATKW          National Guard Unit equipped      The 411 FS sailed from New            ported their flying training unit
operation. Individuals must be    took to the flight line and stood    with fighter or reconnaissance     York aboard the “HMS Duch-            school house.
on military status to be seen.    proudly in military formation       aircraft. From January 1 to       ess of Bedford” to Woodchurch,
No appointments accepted.         next to their wingmen as the his-   December 31, 2014, the wing       Kent, England, to prepare for             “The added value of the en-
Walk-ins will be seen on a first   torical orders were announced.      flew 658 sorties and more than     combat missions during WWII.          hanced RPA will expand the
come, first served basis.          The unfurling of the new wing       10,900 combat flying hours         The 411th supported General           Air National Guard’s support in
                                  flag took place for all to see as a  including 10 troops in contact    Patton’s Third Army and played        its search and rescue, firefight-
      TEN STEPS TO                part of the momentous occasion.     and 17 air-to-surface engage-     an integral part in the famous        ing, and other capabilities,”
       FEDERAL JOB                Hessheimer took a moment to         ments in support of Operation     “Battle of the Bulge” by flying        said Col. Dana Hessheimer,
                                  share the history of the wing’s     Enduring Freedom.                 attack after attack, causing the      commander of the 163d Attack
         WORKSHOP                 previous missions to remind the                                       Germans to retreat and eventu-        Wing. “The dedicated Airmen
   The March Airman and           wing members of their heritage.        The wing was also presented    ally surrender in May 1945.           of the 163d Wing team are seiz-
Family Readiness Center is                                            the Excellence in Aviation Award                                        ing the future and are remain-
holding a Ten Steps to a Fed-        “Our wing members are part       from the Flight Test Historical      The unit launched its last         ing steadfast on duty.”
eral Job Workshop on Friday,      of the unit’s history,” said Hes-   Foundation for supporting civil   flight of MQ-1 aircraft on April
July 17, 8 a.m. – noon in the     sheimer. “They are experienced
452nd Mission Support Group       and dedicated to our United
Conference Room, Bldg. 2313,      States Air Force mission.”
1261 Graeber Street. Call 951-
655-5350 for more informa-           “Attack” is the term the active
tion and to register.             duty Air Force has adopted for its
                                  units that fly the MQ-9 Reaper.
 BONANZA BINGO AT                 The 163rd converted aircraft, fly-
              CLUB                ing its first MQ-9 flight in August
                                  2014. The wing converted from
   The Hap Arnold Club in-        the remotely piloted MQ-1 Pred-
vites you to play Bingo for       ator to the MQ-9 Reaper and the
prizes. Visit the cashier’s cage  name change reflects the unit’s
or a bartender at the club or     switch in operating the MQ-9 re-
call 951-655-4920 for details.    motely piloted aircraft.
Winning numbers for the week
of July 13-17 are B4, I17, N41,      The 163rd is a proven choice
G58, O71. (Winning numbers        supporting overseas, operating
                                  remotely piloted aircraft since
             See BRIEFS page 3    August of 2006 when they con-
                                  verted from an Air Refueling
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