Page 12 - March ARB Beacon 7-17-15
P. 12
12 July 17, 2015
Fourth Combat Camera Squadron inactivates after 19
years of worldwide documentation
by Staff Sgt. Tiffany Lindeman Mission Support Group. “It’s not just the products that are 86$LU)RUFHSKRWR0DVWHU6JW-RKQ51LPPR6U
452 AMW public affairs great though, it’s the people.”
Maj. Hamilton Underwood, 4th Combat Camera
There are numerous definitions of family. There are bio- While there were a few tears watching the squadron re- Squadron commander, transfers administrative com
logical families, adopted families, friends who grow to be membrance video during the inactivation ceremony, there mand of the 4 CTCS to Col. Timothy McCoy, 452nd
family. There are work families and military families, and were also smiles and laughs from the combat camera mem- Mission Support Group commander, March Air Re
then there is March Field’s 4th Combat Camera family. bers and alumni, sharing stories and remembering their serve Base, Calif., during the inactivation ceremony,
times in the squadron. July 11, 2015.
As the squadron closed its doors during the flightline, in-
activation ceremony Saturday, July 11, 2015, Maj. Hamilton “We fought like a family,” said Chief Master Sgt. Mi- After 19 years of documenting missions abroad and at
B. Underwood, commander said words that were echoed chael Du, former 4CTCS superintendent. “We trained like a
throughout the combat camera team. family. It’s who we are. Every UTA at the 4th felt like I was home, the combat camera doors at March are closing, but
going home to a family gathering.”
“Fourth Combat Camera is a family,” said Underwood. the memories made by combat camera members here will
“Members and alumni traveled from all over the country to When news spread of the squadron closing its doors,
be here. It’s a tribute to the close bond we have in the 4th.” the Airmen of combat camera had to make a choice. While remain as lasting snapshots of history, and family reunions
some members chose to cross-train, others retired and a few
The squadron is inactivating due to a challenging fiscal en- chose new career paths. are a great probablility.
vironment, said Underwood. So, a formal ceremony was held
to commemorate the final Unit Training Assembly weekend However, not everyone from combat camera is gone.
for the March combat camera team. The ceremony included Forty Airmen and NCOs who are currently assigned to the
lowering and properly casing the squadron’s colors. 4th will go with the squadron to the 3rd Combat Camera
Squadron at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, and
After standing up in 1996 as the only combat camera transition to Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMA).
squadron in theAir Force Reserve, the squadron document-
ed more than 250 worldwide combat, humanitarian, expe- The squadron has high hopes of eventually standing
ditionary and training missions with still photography and back up as an active-associate unit attached to the 3rd Com-
video, said Master Sgt. John Nimmo, one of the squadron’s bat Camera Squadron, said Underwood.
many award-winning photojournalists.
“We’re not just inactivating,” he said. “We are reactivat-
“Fourth Combat Camera products are unsurpassed any- ing at the same time. We are succeeding at something that’s
where,” said Col. Timothy McCoy, commander, 452nd never been done before in the Air Force Reserve.”
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