Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-25-16
P. 19

Thunderbolt                                                         SPORTS                                                                                       March 25, 2016
CommBats defeat Marines in fitness challenge
                                                                                                                                        Sports Shorts
         Story and photo by Senior Airman                           -RUGDQ$VKWRQ¿UHPDQFDUULHV-RUGDQ+DQVHQWK&RPPXQLFD-
                      JAMES HENSLEY                                 WLRQV6TXDGURQGXULQJWKH¿WQHVVFKDOOHQJHUHOD\DJDLQVW0D-     Cheerleading and football
                                                                    ULQHVZLWK%XON)XHO&RPSDQ\&KDUOLH0DUFKDW/XNH$LU)RUFH  camp
                                  WK)LJKWHU:LQJ3XEOLF$IIDLUV  Base. The challenge consisted of a 400-meter run, 20 pullups, 50
                                                                    DLUVTXDWVSXVKXSVDQGD¿UHPDQFDUU\UXQ                       The 56th Force Support Squadron
   Airmen from the 56th Communications Squadron ac-                                                                                   Bryant Fitness Center is featuring
cepted and won a fitness challenge against Bulk Fuel                                                                                  Pigskin Patriots, a free cheerleading
Company Charlie Marines. The event took place March 11                                                                                and football camp April 16. Ages 5 to 9
at the base track.                                                                                                                    meet at 9 a.m. to noon and ages 10 to 14
                                                                                                                                      meet at 1 to 4 p.m. at the fitness center.
   The challenge was a six-person relay race consisting of a                                                                          The event is led by NFL players and
400-meter run, 20 pullups, 50 air squats, 25 pushups and                                                                              cheerleaders. Register at the 56th FSS
the fireman carry run to the start of the 400-meter run. To                                                                           Youth Center. For more information, call
win the relay race, each team member needed to perform                                                                                623-856-7470.
the exercises correctly and finish before the other team.
                                                                                                                                      Start Smart Baseball
   “Both teams had good strategies in the ordering of their
people,” said Dave LeClaire, 56th CS. “They played on team                                                                               Start Smart Baseball is for children ages
members’ strengths. Going into the race both teams had the                                                                            3 to 5 with a parent participating. It is 5
best lineups possible. This fitness challenge builds morale                                                                           to 6 p.m.Tuesdays through April 26 at the
and improves fitness for day-to-day activity.”                                                                                        56th Force Support Squadron Youth Cen-
                                                                                                                                      ter. The cost is $25 and includes a T-shirt.
   At the beginning of the relay, 56th CS was in the lead by                                                                          A sports physical is required. For more
half a lap. As each member progressed through the exercises,                                                                          information, call 623-856-7470.
CS began to slow down. By the time the last runners for
each team were up for both teams, the Marines were half                                                                               Sonoran hang gliding
a lap ahead. The last runner for CS managed to catch and
pass the Marine to finish out the relay.                                                                                                 Hang glide thousands of feet over the
                                                                                                                                      desert on a tandem discovery flight 10 a.m.
   During the exercises, the Marines and Airmen cheered for                                                                           to 5 p.m. April 9 at Sonora Wings. The
each other and their teams to keep each other motivated.                                                                              cost is $20 per single Airman. For more
                                                                                                                                      information, call 623-856-6267.
   “Years ago commanders challenged other squadrons to
fitness, but it went away,” said Sherri Biringer, 56th Force                                                                          T-ball/pitch baseball
Support Squadron fitness specialist supervisor. “I thought,
why not bring it back. It’s a good camaraderie-building                                                                                  T-Ball and pitch baseball registration
event; even the Marines and 56th CS commanders came                                                                                   deadline is today for children ages 5 to
out to show support. It’s popular enough that the 56th                                                                                8. The cost is $35 per youth program
Maintenance Group and CS are gearing up for a challenge.”                                                                             member and $45 per nonmember. Prac-
                                                                                                                                      tice begins April 4. Games begin April 16.
   Fitness is an essential part of every Airman and Marine’s                                                                          T-ball for children ages 5 and 6 meets at
life regardless of what job they have. Each job plays a part                                                                          5 p.m. Mondays. Coach pitch for children
in the big picture and mission.                                                                                                       ages 7 and 8 meets at 5 p.m.Wednesdays.
                                                                                                                                      A sports physical is required. Volunteer
   “We need to be in the best shape possible especially in the                                                                        coaches are needed. For more information,
military where it can mean the difference between life and                                                                            call 623-856-7470.
death,” LeClaire said. “I hope this fitness challenge event
continues to attract more squadrons and build camaraderie.”

   The fitness challenge will be on the second Friday each

of the

                    1%$7RGD\         Senior Airman                      Senior Airman               Senior Airman                6WD௺6JW      Airman 1st Class
                           &DOLEUL      Scott Giles                     -RQDWKDQ9DQHN              Jonathan Meade             Kenneth Bays        Zaharina Alapag
                                                                    56th Operations Group    56th Mission Support Group  56th Maintenance Group  56th Medical Group
        2NODKRPDYV,QGLDQD       56th Fighter Wing
           %URRNO\QYV'HWURLW       Los Angeles                         Los Angeles                 Los Angeles                  Denver            Los Angeles
                                       *ROGHQVWDWH                           'DOODV                   *ROGHQ6WDWH             *ROGHQ6WDWH             'DOODV
    1HZ<RUNYV:DVKLQJWRQ            6DFUDPHQWR                           3KRHQL[                                             6DFUDPHQWR             3KRHQL[
                                        6DQ$QWRQLR                                                       3KRHQL[                6DQ$QWRQLR
          &OHYHODQGYV0LDPL             $WODQWD                         6DQ$QWRQLR                 6DQ$QWRQLR                                    6DQ$QWRQLR
           +RXVWRQYV$WODQWD           Houston                             $WODQWD                                               $WODQWD              $WODQWD
                                           0LDPL                             Houston                      $WODQWD                   Toronto             Houston
              8WDKYV&KLFDJR            Detroit                            0LDPL                       Houston                   0LDPL                0LDPL
    /RV$QJHOHVYV0HPSKLV            :DVKLQJWRQ                           &KDUORWWH                     0LDPL                   &KDUORWWH             Detroit
*ROGHQ6WDWHYV6DQ$QWRQLR                                                                              Detroit               :DVKLQJWRQ
                                           %XႇDOR                           0LQQHVRWD                  :DVKLQJWRQ                                     :DVKLQJWRQ
           3RUWODQGYV'DOODV           Detroit                                                                                  %XႇDOR
                  1+/6XQGD\               Boston                             %XႇDOR                      %XႇDOR                  Pittsburgh             %XႇDOR
                                         1HZ<RUN                           Pittsburgh                  Pittsburgh                                       Detroit
   3LWWVEXUJKYV3KLODGHOSKLD        3KLODGHOSKLD                                                                                 Boston              Toronto
       1HZ<RUNYV6DQ-RVH             &KLFDJR                             Boston                      Toronto                 1HZ<RUN              0RQWUHDO
            %XႇDORYV7RURQWR                                              0RQWUHDO                    1HZ<RUN                  $UL]RQD              $UL]RQD
                                                                           $UL]RQD                   3KLODGHOSKLD                &KLFDJR              &DOJDU\
   1HZ-HUVH\YV&ROXPEXV                  54                              &KLFDJR                      &KLFDJR
       Boston vs. Los Angeles       ³:LOOFDQ¶WKDQJLQ                                                                                                 
                                      VSDGHVRUN                            53                           33                                          60
    /DVWZHHN¶VSHUFHQWDJH                                                                                 63                 ³*RRGJDPH´      ³0DYHULFNVQHHGWR
    <HDUWR'DWHSHUFHQWDJH                                               ³7KH\FDQWU\            “Los Angeles is                             SXWXSDJRRG¿JKW´
                                                                         EXWWKH\¶OOIDLO´          JRLQJWRRZQLW´
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