Page 3 - March ARB Beacon 11-25-15
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb November 25, 2015 3
From BRIEFS page 1 Bldg. 470, room 205 tion. Applicants should be at ease with OUTDOOR REC
oral and written communication to all EQUIPMENT RENTALS
EDUCATION & TRAINING Contact or pay grades, and have the ability to re- Outdoor Recreation has a variety of
main neutral while performing his or equipment for rent such as camping
OFFICE TO PROVIDE 655-4551 for more information. No res- her duties. The additional duty will not gear, water sports equipment, bicycles,
exceed 20 percent of the counselor’s pri- and trailers to carry it all! Special orders
MASS BRIEFINGS ervation required. mary job duties. Applicants range from for Callaway, Odyssey, Cleveland, Nev-
GS-05 to GS-12 or equivalent. Primary er Compromise, Nike, Bag Boy, Sun
Beginning in December, during the REGISTER FOR YELLOW supervisor concurrence required. Train- Mountain and Staff golf equipment are
Unit Training Assemblies, the March RIBBON EVENTS ing is required, date/time to be deter- also available. Download the full equip-
Education and Training office will con- mined. If interested, contact Ms Paula ment rental price list at,
duct ongoing, mass briefings for any Upcoming dates for Yellow Ribbon Greenhaw,, call 951-655-2816 or come on by for
Tuition Assistance, GI Bill and Commu- events are Nov. 20-22; Dec. 18-20; Jan. Maj. Nixomar Santiago, nixomar.san- more information.
nity College of the Air Force (CCAF) 29-31; Feb 19-21; and Mar 18-20. The
inquiries. Their schedule is as follows: December Yellow Ribbon is now open FITNESS CENTER NEWS
for registration for eligible members. MARCH TICKETS & TOURS The March Fitness Center has re-
CCAF briefing: For more formation, contact 1st Lt. ceived the Wellbeats Virtual Group Fit-
UTA Sundays from 10 to 10:30 a.m. Shelley Lawrence, your 452nd Air Mo- Amusement Park Specials ness Kiosk. This kiosk allows members
in Bldg. 441, Rm. 12 bility Wing Yellow Ribbon representa- Castle Park: $16 per person includes to participate in virtual fitness classes.
Tuition Assistance briefing: tive, for details at 951-655-4615. unlimited rides, water park access, min- Daily Wellbeats Fitness Schedule is:
UTA Sundays from 1 to 1:45 p.m. in iature golf and the new Sky Rider. Mondays: 11 a.m. — REV (spin); 12
Disney 3-Day Park Hopper military p.m. — Pilates
Bldg. 441, Rm. 12 MANDATORY FLU special: $130 per person (adult/child) Tuesdays: 11 a.m. — Fit for Duty;
GI Bill briefing: VACCINATIONS SeaWorld “Waves of Honor” special: 11:30 a.m. – Kinetics
UTA Sundays from 2 to 22:45 p.m. in Extended through November 11, 2015. Wednesdays: 11 a.m. — V.I.B.E./
Program provides a one-time, limited, Strength Training; 12 p.m. — Core
Bldg. 441, Rm. 12 free admission to SeaWorld San Diego Thursdays: 11 a.m. — REV (spin);
per veteran service member and up to 12 p.m. — Fit for Duty
In-processing (technical school): three guests. Visit Fridays: 10 a.m. — V.I.B.E./Zumba;
to register for and obtain your free ad- 11:15 a.m. — Pilates
Monday – Friday from 2 – 3 p.m. in missions. Additional tickets are avail- UTA Saturdays: (A UTA) 5 p.m.
able for purchase from the Tickets & — Virtual Strength “Fit for Duty;” (B
Bldg. 441, main office Tours office. UTA) 5-7 p.m. — Pick-up Basketball
Discount Movie Tickets Additional opportunities for fitness:
For more information, contact Master Available for only $10 each and valid Dec. 8: 2 x 2 Holiday Volleyball
for Regal Cinemas, United Artists The- Tournament begins. Tourney runs Dec.
Sgt. Brown at 951-655-4442. atres and Edwards Cinemas. 8-9 and 15-16 beginning at 11 a.m. (No
Hotel Discounts Battle Ropes classes on these days)
BENEFEDS OPEN SEASON The 452 AMW Flu Vaccination Receive 10% off any Best Western Dec. 10: Holiday 5K Run/Walk, 11
BEGAN NOVEMBER 9 Campaign has begun, and will con- and 15% off any Choice Hotel a.m., across from base ops/control tower
tinue through the December’s UTAs. Visit the Tickets & Tours page at Dec. 17: Intramural Volleyball meet-
The 2015 Federal Benefits Open Sea- The Flu vaccination is mandatory for and download the Dis- ing, 11:30 in the gym. Volleyball season
son (for the 2016 plan year) runs from all Airmen unless exempted by medical count Ticket Price List for a full list of dis- begins in February.
Monday, Nov. 9, through Monday, Dec. staff. Airmen not current with their Flu counts tickets prices, hotel discounts and Dec. 18: Holiday Zumbathon from
14. If you are enrolled in the Federal vaccination after the December UTAs special promotions. Call Tickets & Tours 10 a.m. – noon
Employee Dental and Vision Insurance will potentially be placed in a no-point, at 951-655-4123 for more information. Jan. 4: Biggest Luzer Wellness com-
Program (FEDVIP) plan, it will auto- no-pay status. petition begins.
matically continue into the 2016 plan LEARN TO FLY Jan 14: Happy New Year 5K Run/
year, even if you retire. You must take Starting in December, all Flu vacci- WITH THE AERO CLUB Walk, 11 a.m., across from base ops/
action if you wish to make changes or nations will be given at the base clinic. The March Aero Club offers flight control tower
cancel. Visit to check training (flying, private license, ground Mon/Wed/Fri at 11:30 a.m. - Battle
the 2016 premium amounts, research AllAirmen, Unit Health Monitors and school, instrument training) at very rea- ropes training (canceled on Dec. 8, 9,
plan coverage and/or make changes. For leaders are asked to get their annual Flu sonable rates including a pay-as-you-go 15, 16)
general questions, visit the Education & vaccination at the earliest convenience, plan with zero down. Visit Hangar 355 UTA weekends at 7 a.m.: Wellbeats
Support section at and to encourage others to do the same. on base or call 951-655-3875 for more Fit for Duty
Help make this year’s Flu Campaign a information. Coming in 2016: GORUCK event;
SARC HOSTS FREE MIND success. There is no vaccine available Armed Forces 5K Run; annual golf
BODY RESILIENCY CLASSES for civilians at this time. For questions tournament
or concerns, email Maj. David Haupt at Call the Fitness & Sports center at
Are you interested in learning more (NOTE: Run 951-655-2292 to sign up or for more in-
about the Mind and Body connection through December 2015 UTAs.) formation on these programs.
and how this can promote better overall
health? Then come join the interactive MARCH EQUAL GRILL NIGHT
and informational series of one-hour OPPORTUNITY SEEKS AT SALLY’S ALLEY
classes based on the Benson-Henry In- Every Wednesday night starting at 4
stitute for Mind Body Medicine’s Resil- COUNSELORS p.m., Sally’s Alley is open for business
ient Warrior. Classes are scheduled on The March EO office is looking for with Grill Night. For more information,
the A and B Unit Training Assemblies ARTs/civilians interested in training to call them at 951-653-2121.
through September 2016. Topics for the serve as Collateral Equal Opportunity
six-part series include counselors. This is an additional duty
appointment. The Collateral EO coun-
- Stress Reactions and Relaxation selors serve as a bridge between civilian
Response employees and management for infor-
mal complaints concerning discrimina-
- Getting Good Sleep
- Mindfulness and a Positive State of
- Yin and Yang of Resiliency
- Yoga & Journaling
- Social Connections & Communica-
Time and Location:
UTA Sundays, 11 a.m. - noon