Page 8 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, September 4, 2020
P. 8

8   September 4, 2020                                                                                          DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa                   DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa                                                                                               September 4, 2020    9                                                                                                                                                      

   Vehicle maintenance keeps Nellis ‘rolling’                                                                                                                       VFA 41 participates in Green Flag 20-9

   by Senior Airman Bryan Guthrie       on vehicle maintenance to ensure opera-
   Nellis AFB, Nev.                     tions around base never falter.                                                                                             by Airman 1st Class Dwane R. Young
                                           “If a firetruck isn’t working it could
     The smell of motor oil fills the air as  shut down the flightline,” said Ruggerio.                                                                             Nellis AFB, Nev.
   grease covered mechanics survey the  “It’s instances like that, which show the                                                                                      U.S. Navy Strike Fighter Squadron 41,
   garage full of vehicles waiting to be in-  impact we have on Nellis.”                                                                                            assigned to Naval Air Station Lemoore,
   spected or repaired.                    Due to the diversity of their mission,                                                                                   Calif., took part in the Green Flag 20-9
     Vehicle maintainers assigned to the  vehicle maintenance Airmen must be fa-                                                                                    combat training exercise at Nellis Air
   99th Logistics Readiness Squadron at  miliar with the multiple different vehicles                                                                                Force Base, Nev., on Aug. 18, 2020.
   Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., spend their  that are required for the base to operate                                                                                 Green Flag-West, and its close air
   days ensuring the extensive vehicle fleet  safely and securely.                                                                                                  support and joint exercises are adminis-
   on base is maintained and mission ready   “As a part of the general-purpose                                                                                      tered by the U.S. Air Force Air Warfare
   at all times.                        shop, we’re trained on a wide variety                                                                                       Center, Nellis AFB through the 549th
     “If there’s anything unique about Nel-  of vehicles,” said Senior Airman Ciara                                                                                 Combat Training Squadron and is pri-
   lis, it’s the environment,” said Staff Sgt.  Cobb, a 99th LRS Vehicle Maintenance                                                                                marily conducted in conjunction with
   Nicholas Ruggerio, a 99th LRS vehicle  general purpose mechanic. “Some of                                                                                        U.S. Army National Training Center
   maintenance special purpose mechanic.                                                                                                                            exercises at Fort Irwin, Calif., to provide
   “Nellis is a huge training base and we                                                                                                                           combat training to joint and coalition
   have one of the largest vehicle fleets in                                                                             Air Force photographs by Tech. Sgt. Anthony Kuhn  war-fighters in air-land integration and
   the Air Force. There’s so much going on                                    Roy Broomfield, 99th Logistics Readiness Squadron, special purpose vehicle maintenance   the joint employment of air power in
   here that you get a lot of opportunities to                                apprentice, greases the joints of a special purpose heavy vehicle on June 30, 2020, at Nellis   support of the U.S. Army’s National
   train on different types of equipment.”                                    Air Force Base, Nev. From gasoline and diesel engines, to hydraulic and air systems, the   Training Center.
     There are eight flights of vehicle main-                                 Airmen of vehicle management keep the Nellis mission running.                            F/A-18F Super Hornet fighter jets
   tenance Airmen, who manage approxi-                                                                                                                              assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron 41
   mately 350 work orders per month. Some                                     the most common vehicles are flightline   Forces Squadron is able to effectively      supported the realistic air-land integra-
   of the vehicles the squadron maintains                                     transportation vehicles, security forces   patrol the base and respond to emer-       tion combat training exercise involving
   include fire trucks and refueling vehicles.                                vehicles and ambulances.”            gencies as needed.”                              the air forces of the United States and its
   The squadron also houses a tire shop and                                     In addition to ensuring mission       Cobb said despite the fact that Nellis        allies. The F/A-18Fs are able to perform
   body shop.                                                                 capability, proper vehicle maintenance   has one of the largest vehicle fleets in     multiple missions in the tactical spec-
     “My shop has an immediate impact                                         can boost morale amongst the Airmen   the Air Force, the work flow for opera-         trum, including air superiority, day and                                                                                             Air Force photograph by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Airman 1st Class Dwane R. Young
   on flightline operations because noth-                                     on base working in harsh conditions,   tions is uninterrupted.                        night strike with precision-guided weap-                                                                                        An F/A-18F Super Hornet
   ing on the flightline moves without the                                    said Cobb.                              “There’s never a steady number of             ons, fighter escort and close air support                                                                                       fighter jet assigned to
   vehicles that we repair and maintain,”                                       “If it weren’t for us making sure the   vehicles coming through the shop,”          and suppression of enemy air defenses.                                                                                          Strike Fighter Squadron
   said Ruggerio.                       Senior Airman Gabriel Ortiz-Garcia, 99th   flightline vehicles were up and run-  said Cobb. “Our ops tempo changes             The Super Hornet is the U.S. Navy’s                                                                                          41, Naval Air Station
     Similarly, vehicle maintenance’s refu-  Logistics Readiness Squadron, fleet   ning, Nellis’ maintainers wouldn’t be   depending on what’s going on base. If    primary strike and air superiority air-                                                                                         Lemoore, Calif., sits on
   eling department is directly responsible   management and analysis apprentice,   able to get around the flightline or be   there’s an exercise running, our ops   craft that carries 33 percent more inter-                                                                                      the the flight line during
   for ensuring the refueling vehicles are   inspects tools on June 30, 2020, at Nellis   able to cool off in a vehicle,” said Cobb.  tempo increases. The more vehicles   nal fuel, increasing mission range by 41                                                                                 Green Flag 20-9 at Nellis
   prepared to perform day-to-day opera-  Air Force Base, Nev. Proper accountability   A working vehicle for maintain-  that are used, the more wear and tear       percent and endurance by 50 percent over                                                                                        Air Force Base, Nev.,
   tions as well. Without their support, jets   of tools and supplies is an important part   ers is imperative because it not only   it will put on a vehicle.”     earlier Hornets.                                                                                                                Aug. 18, 2020. Green
   and other aircraft would be unable to   of vehicle management’s responsibility of   provides shelter from the surrounding   Once the hood of a vehicle is opened,   VFA 41 maintenance crews were                                                                                                Flag-West, is a realistic
   receive the necessary fuel needed to fly.  keeping the vehicles and special equipment   environment, it also makes getting to   it is the job of the vehicle maintainer   responsible for aircraft maintenance                                                                                   air-land integration
     Base ground and flight operations rely   for five wings and 52 tenant units running.   and from destinations more bearable in   to find all discrepancies and fix them.  including servicing, inspections, launch                                                                              combat training exercise
                                                                              the extreme heat conditions distinct to   “We maintain a vehicle from bumper          and recovery and munitions loading dur-                                                                                         involving the air forces
                                                                              Nellis, said Cobb.                   to bumper,” said Cobb. “Making sure              ing the joint exercise.                                                                                                         of the United States and
                                                                                “Another major component of our    everything is working, all moving com-                                                                                                                                           its allies.
                                                                              shop is the maintenance of the security   ponents are moving and if anything
                                                                              forces vehicles,” said Cobb. “Through   that is supposed to be stationary stays
                                                                              our maintenance, the 99th Security   put.”
                                                                                                                      In fact, Cobb said their inspec-
                                                                                                                   tions are so thorough that a simple oil
                                                                                                                   change can quickly turn into a major
                                                                                                                   maintenance order when vehicles are
                                                                                                                   turned in.
                                                                                                                      “There’s so much more that goes on
                                                                                                                   in our maintenance process than most                                                                       Air Force photograph by William Lewis
                                                                                                                   people know,” said Ruggerio. “We can                                                                   U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. John
                                                                                                                   find all types of leaks, electrical issues                                                             Schnepper, F/A-18F Super
                                                                                                                   or simple stuff in the interior that we                                                                Hornet pilot assigned to Strike
                                                                                                                   need to fix.”                                                                                          Fighter Squadron 41, Naval Air
                                                                                                                      The attention to detail and amount                                                                  Station Lemoore, Calif., greets
                                                                                                                   of laborious tasks that the Nellis vehicle                                    Air Force photograph by William Lewis  his plane captain after returning
                                                                                                                   maintenance team executes directly con-          U.S. Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Triston Manning, an aviation   from a Green Flag 20-9 mission
                                                                                                                   tributes to operation mission success and        machinist assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron 41, Naval Air   at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.,
                                                                                                                   safety according to Ruggerio.                    Station Lemoore, Calif., performs engine oil servicing on an   Aug. 18, 2020. Green Flag-West
                                                                              Senior Airman Cora Burden inspects vehicle   “We’re able to contribute to such a      F/A-18F after a Green Flag mission at Nellis Air Force Base,   provides combat training to                        Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Dwane R. Young
                                                                              management’s parts inventory on June 30,  large part to Nellis because of our ability   Nev., Aug. 18, 2020. Green Flag-West, is primarily conducted in   joint and coalition warfighters  U.S. Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Rolker Perceval, an aviation structural mechanic
   Staff Sergeant Tyler Jones (right) and U.S. Air Force Airman First Class Jake Naquin, both 99th  2020, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Vehicle  to put out safe and serviceable vehicles   conjunction with U.S. Army Combat Training Center exercises   in air-land integration and the  assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron 41 (VFA 41), Naval Air Station Lemoore, Calif.,
   Logistics Readiness Squadron vehicle mechanics, conduct routine vehicle maintenance  mechanics are responsible for diagnosing  in a timely and effective manner,” said   at Fort Irwin, Calif., and its close air support and joint exercises   joint employment of air power  performs post flight checks during Green Flag 20-9 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.,
   on June 30, 2020, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Vehicle mechanics are responsible for  component malfunctions and replacing or  Ruggerio. “It’s something that we, as a   are administered by the U.S. Air Force Air Warfare Center and   in support of the U.S. Army’s  Aug. 18, 2020. VFA 41 crew members are responsible for aircraft maintenance
   diagnosing component malfunctions and replacing or repairing parts as necessary.   repairing parts as necessary.   team, are extremely proud of.”                Nellis AFB through the 549th Combat Training Squadron.   National Training Center.   including servicing, inspections, launch and recovery and munitions loading.
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