Page 13 - Nellis AFB Bullseye Oct. 2 2015
P. 13

BULLSEYE                        Sports                                                     11October 2, 2015                                                  

‘Zombie 5K’ tests preparedness, stamina

A volunteer role-                                     U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Siuta B. Ika
playing as a zombie
walks toward
participants in the
National Preparedness
Month Zombie 5K
run at Nellis Air Force
Base, Nev., Sept. 25.
Participants in the
run embarked on the
standard base 5K route
wearing a reflective
belt which carried three
survey tape flags that
were used as “lives” and
encountered numerous
“contaminated areas”
where they had to
outsmart and outrun
zombies seeking
to take their “lives”.
Participants could
also earn extra lives
by showing that they
have a disaster kit or
an emergency plan in

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