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BULLSEYE Creech Feature 5October 2, 2015
RPA community reflects on 1-year anniversary of airdrop, aid for thousands
By Staff Sgt. Adawn Kelsey U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Cory Payne “If they came down from the moun-
tain they would be executed and if
432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing Between August and October of 2014 the Remotely Piloted Aircraft community participated they remained on the mountain they
in operations which provided aid to Iraqi citizens who were being threatened by the Islamic would starve,” Ryan said. “By provid-
Public Affairs State of Iraq and the Levant on Mount Sinjar, Iraq. Overall, the airdrops, provided 682 bundles ing thousands of meals and water to the
of supplies containing 362,212 bottles of drinking water, 116,316 meals, 1,008 tents and refugees, these airstrikes sustained the
CREECH AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. 1,124 lanterns to Sinjar, and 145 bundles, 96,226 water bottles and 12,137 meals to Amirili. population until the Kurdish forces,
— Between August and October 2014, backed by Iraqi and allied airpower,
the Remotely Piloted Aircraft commu- was going on during the operation,” said change, the mission intelligence coordi- were able to break the siege.”
nity participated in operations which Staff Sgt. Eirik, 15th RS sensor operator. nator had to gather extra information
provided aid to Iraqi citizens who were about the droops and coordinate with Ryan said the efforts also protected
being threatened by the Islamic State of After the target area had been the proper supporting unit. the population in Amirli and sustained
Iraq and the Levant on Mount Sinjar, searched, the crew would look for the the isolated Iraqi force in Bayji.
Iraq. friendly forces on the ground near the “In order for the drop to be suc-
drop zone. cessful, the supported unit told us we “These campaigns not only helped
Overall, the airdrops provided 682 needed to be able to confirm no enemy blunt the forward progress of ISIL, but
bundles of supplies containing 362,212 “We would look for where the en- forces were nearby, have eyes on the also demonstrated the Iraqi govern-
bottles of drinking water, 116,316 meals, emy forces were to see if they were drop location, and be able to interdict ment’s commitment to helping mi-
1,008 tents, and 1,124 lanterns to Sinjar; encroaching on the drop zones,” Ryan any enemy forces that attacked or tried nority populations throughout Iraq,”
and 145 bundles, 96,226 water bottles, said. “During the drops, we would be to steal the supplies from the Yazidis,” he said.
and 12,137 meals to Amirili. stationed so we could see the bundles said Senior Airman Alexander, 15th
parachuting into the drop zone while RS MIC. “If we were unable to confirm Eirik said being able to be part of the
The integration of the RPA com- also being in a position to suppress any the area was safe they would have most airdrops that provided people on the
munity into the operations of the Air fire at the airdrop aircraft or the friendly likely not have dropped the supplies ground with life-saving supplies was
Mobility Command mission provided forces. After we confirmed that all the due to the risk of the dropping aircraft.” an amazing accomplishment.
additional support before and after the bundles made it into the drop zone, we
mission operations, and delivered de- would check out the condition of the Ryan said he believes that the air- “Words can’t really describe how it
fense capability both for the aircraft and bundles and watch to make sure it was drops executed helped stop a planned feels,” he said. “These air drops were so
the bundles if they were to go off target. the friendly forces who picked it up.” genocide of the 40,000 Yazidi people vital for the lives on the ground, pro-
trapped on Mount Sinjar. viding them with live-saving supplies.
With all the moving parts of the mis- With surroundings always subject to Our community as a whole is willing to
sion, the RPA crew had to be prepared do what it takes to save as many lives as
for any issues that could arise. possible, doing air drops being a small
part in that. At the end of the day, you
“This was a way for us to ensure the are just happy you can contribute in
AMC mission was a success with mini- any way possible to saving lives.”
mal risk to the airdrop aircraft,” said Lt.
Col. Ryan, 15th Reconnaissance Squad- As with any new integration process,
ron pilot. “We were able to provide them there are always challenges to face.
pre-drop and post-drop intelligence However, with dedication and team
about the enemy situation, the condition work, the RPA community was able to
of the drop zones, and whether all the aid in the relief of thousands of people.
humanitarian relief bundles made it to
the intended targets.” “This was a success story of captains
and airmen,” Ryan said. “In the midst
The crew arrived on station in Iraq of combat, these young pilots, sensor
early to scout out the landing area for operators, and intelligence profession-
the drop and to make sure there were no als figured out how to integrate two
enemy forces on the ground or around platforms (RPAs and airlifters) who
the area. hadn’t really worked together before.
It’s this type of bottom-up innovative
“We provided intelligence, surveil- thinking that sustains the proudest
lance and reconnaissance for the lead- traditions of the U.S. Air Force.”
ership as well as the ground party so
everyone could see, from our view, what
U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Matthew Bruch U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Vernon Young
Container delivery system bundles are dropped out of a U.S. Air Force C-130 Hercules Senior Airman Jon Woerzburger awaits engine start prior to a Aug. 30, 2014, humanitarian
aircraft over Bayji, Iraq, Oct. 11, 2014. airdrop mission over Amirli, Iraq. The two C-17 Globemaster IIIs dropped 79 container
delivery system bundles of fresh drinking water totaling 7,513 gallons. In addition, two
U.S. C-130 Hercules aircraft dropped 30 bundles totaling 3,032 gallons of fresh drinking
water and 7,056 meals ready to eat. Woerzburg is a C-17 flying crew chief with the 816th
Expeditionary Airlift Squadron.