Page 7 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 5-13-16
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BULLSEYE                                     Feature                                                                                  7May 13, 2016                                                                                          

INSTRUCTORS, from page 6 ____                Airmen learn basic critical information   to become mission support analysts            “ e critical thinking piece is one of
missions own from Creech AFB, Ne-            systems before reaching their newly       (MSAs) who are directly supporting         the main building blocks of the course,
vada, and the training is provided by        assigned units at Creech AFB. Every       combat missions.                           and it’s a hard thing for people to get
Intelligence Formalized Training Unit        intelligence analyst Airman assigned to                                              sometimes,” Megan said. “ ey can see
instructors from the 432nd Operational       the 432nd Wg/432nd AEW is required           “That’s a huge responsibility for       the pieces of the puzzle, but they can’t
Support Squadron.                            to complete the course before they can    both the students and my instructors,      put them all together, and that’s where
                                             begin their full time assignments.        and there is no other intelligence job     we come in. We teach them how to do
   A six-man instructor team is respon-                                                like that in the Air Force,” said Ashley.  that, look at everything as a whole and
sible for transforming every intelligence       “The IFTU is all fundamentals and      “We have an amazing instructor cadre       incorporate everything from an analyti-
analyst assigned to Creech AFB into a        applications based,” said Senior Air-     comprised of active duty and reserve       cal perspective.”
specialist capable of performing a critical  man Megan, 432nd OSS IFTU instruc-        Airmen, all of whom were handpicked
role in combat missions own by MQ-1          tor. “We are reinforcing what Airmen      from their squadrons due to their tal-        All IFTU instructors share a com-
Predator and MQ-9 Reaper aircrews.           are learning in tech school and helping   ent and expertise in RPA operations. “     mon feeling of enjoyment as they see the
                                             them to apply it within the RPA com-                                                 students grow as intelligence analysts
   “What the students learn in our           munity.”                                     MSAs are relied on to calculate data    and professional Airmen.
course can make or break the success                                                   and assess threats for aircrew, who use
of every mission RPAs support,” said            Senior Airman Dylon, 432nd OSS         the information to make combat deci-          “Towards the end of the course, see-
Capt. Ashley, 432nd OSS IFTU course          IFTU instructor, said that because the    sions. However, teaching Airmen to         ing the students progress and apply the
director. “If the IFTU sta doesn’t pro-      MQ-1 and MQ-9 systems are so unique,      become technical experts sometimes         things we taught them is a great feeling,”
vide the best instruction possible, MQ-1     courses are rewritten every two years to  presents its own challenges.               Dylon said. “Being a part of a mission
and MQ-9 intelligence members won’t          keep the information up to date.                                                     that just keeps growing and growing,
be ready to support combat aircrew                                                        “Adapting to everyone’s learning        and knowing I’m enabling that, is what
with critical threat analysis and mission       “When intelligence analysts go         styles is very demanding,” Dylon said.     makes me proud to do my job.”
support.”                                    through the mission qualification pro-    “It’s hard catering to different educa-
                                             cess down at the squadron level, they     tion needs. One person could stare at         Ashley credited her instructors for
   Intelligence analysts piece together      start building on everything we taught    a power point for eight hours and be       providing intelligence analysts within
data from a variety of sources in order      them and begin learning their squad-      fine, but the majority of people need      the MQ-1 and MQ-9 community with
to assess threats, plan for missions and     ron’s standards, and what is specific to  you to cover the information hands-on,     insight to critical capabilities.
prevent enemy attacks. Creech AFB            their mission,” said Megan. “Because      draw on the board, or show them how
members set the stage for persistent         different squadrons have different        to apply it.”                                 “ e IFTU instructor cadre is tireless
attack and reconnaissance intelligence       and very specialized mission sets, it is                                             in ensuring the best possible training
training as information is constantly        very important to teach our Airmen           Megan echoed the need to remain         and support is provided to every single
evolving to meet mission requirements.       the fundamentals needed so they can        exible and said going in-depth about      person who goes through our course,”
                                             expand on it later.”                      the capabilities of intelligence systems   Ashley said. “I’m con dent that RPA
   The IFTU is a stepping stone de-                                                    is a time consuming process that can be    mission success is largely enabled by
signed to help intelligence analyst             Ashley went on to say that as soon     di cult to understand, but is something    the quality of intelligence analysts in
                                             as the students graduate, they go on      the course is speci cally designed to do.  this enterprise.”

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