Page 19 - Woodburn IM_Neat
P. 19


                This Memorandum has been prepared for the        •   If you make any offer or sign a contract
                Vendors. Reference to the Vendor includes            for the property, you will be taken to be
                their servants, officers, employees and any          not relying on any information (unless
                person purporting to act on behalf of them.          otherwise agreed in a written contract
                                                                     with the Vendor).
                The term ‘Agent’ refers to Ray White Rural       •   No person is authorised to give infor-
                NSW and includes their servants, officers,           mation other than the information in
                employees and any person purporting to act           this Memorandum.
                on behalf of them.                               •   Any information given will not form
                                                                     part of the contract.
                The contents of this report are believed to be   •   Nothing in this publication should be
                accurate. However, because information in            taken as a recommendation with re-
                this publication and other verbal or written         spect to the assets or any other matter.
                information given in respect of the property
                (‘information’) may be inaccurate or incom-      Subject to any law to the contrary,
                plete, intending purchasers should note that:    all  terms, conditions, warranties and
                                                                 statements, whether express, implied,
                •   The properties and assets are sold in an     written, oral, collateral, statutory or
                    ‘as is/where is’ condition (that is, in their   otherwise, relating to this Memorandum
                    present condition and subject to all legal
                    and physical defects).                       and the sale of the properties are excluded
                •   No assurance is given by the Vendor, the     and the Vendor and the Agent disclaim all
                    Agent or any of their respective officers    liability to the maximum extent permitted
                    or employees or consultants that any         by law.
                    information is accurate, complete or
                    balanced.                                    Those persons associated with
                •   You should not rely on the information.
                    You should satisfy yourself as to its accu-  the  proposed sale have provided all
                    racy and completeness through inspec-        information to prospective purchasers in
                    tions, enquiries, surveys and searches.      good faith.
                •   Neither the Vendor, Agent nor any of
                    their respective officers, employees or      Potential purchasers accept the
                    consultants makes any representations        Memorandum on the condition that they
                    or warranties with respect to fixtures, fit-
                    tings, plant, equipment and other chattels   will make their own enquiries and obtain
                    on the property.                             their own independent advice in order to
                •   Neither the Vendor, Agent nor any of         verify the accuracy of the information in
                    their respective officers, employees or      this memorandum
                    consultants makes any representation or
                    warranties with respect to the continua-
                    tion or enforceability of any license, lease,
                    supply, service consultancy, standard
                    or other agreement referred to in the
                    Memorandum following completion of
                    the sale of the property.

                                                                                               Information Memorandum  19
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