Page 14 - E-Modul Komik Digital Interaktif
P. 14

Simple Sentences
                                                        Head - Kepala            My head hurts.
                                                        Shoulders - Pundak          Kepala saya sakit.

                                                        Eyes - Mata              I carry my bag on shoulders.
                                                                                    Saya membawa tas di bahu.
                                                        Ears - Telinga
                                                                                 Her eyes are blue.
                                                        Cheek - Pipi
                                                                                    Matanya berwarna biru.
                                                         Chin -  Dagu            He has big ears.
                                                        Toes - Jari Kaki            Dia memiliki telinga besar.
                                                        Nose - Hidung            My toes are cold.

                                                        Knees - Lutut               Jari kaki saya kedinginan.
                                                                                 She has a small nose.
                                                        Mouth - Mulut
                                                                                    Dia memiliki hidung kecil.
                                                        Neck - Leher
                                                                                 My knees are sore.
                                                        Chest - Dada
                                                                                    Lutut saya terasa sakit.
                                                        Body - Tubuh             A body needs rest.
                                                                                    Tubuh perlu istirahat.


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