Page 24 - St. John's Healthcare Foundation_Annual Report 2016
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                     hose special touches that our patients appreciate are often provided by volunteer ‘Health
                     Scholars’ at St. John’s Hospitals. The Health Scholar Program offers students the opportunity
                     to explore a career in medicine in a real life setting at St. John’s Hospitals. The Health Scholar’s
                     adventure is up close and personal as students fully immerse in the health care setting, working
                     by the side of health care professionals in nursing, medicine and health care administration.
                      More than 300 students took part in the program last year.
                      Health Scholars gain valuable experience as they observe medical procedures and provide direct
                      patient care with activities such as bathing, ambulating, and discharge. Equally important,
                      while Health Scholars provide comfort and companionship at bedside, they develop profound
        insights into what patients encounter. “A lot of what we are doing is about the patient experience,” says Sarah
        Contreras, Health Scholars Program Manager. “We realize the importance of listening and getting to know the
        patient through frequent hospital rounds.”
          Since the program was launched in 1995, more than 3,000 students have graduated from the program. St. John’s
        Hospitals  has hired 65 of the graduates, a significant return on investment as these health care leaders truly understand
        the culture of service, excellence in care, and humankindness that we value and contribute to the greater good of our
                                       community. St. John’s Hospitals Health Scholar Program is affiliated with UCLA
                                       Fielding School of Public Health, and so upon graduating from the program, students
                                       are awarded a Certificate in Patient Experience and Pre-licensed Clinical Care.
                                          Last June, at our very first annual COPE Health Scholar Alumni Reunion, we had
                                       an amazing opportunity to bring together current and former Health Scholars – all
                                        at different stages in their health care careers. They shared personal stories both from
                                        their time in the program while at St. John’s and afterwards, pursuing their careers.
                                        Together we saw that the path to a career in health care takes many forms, each on
                                        adventure of its own.

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