P. 14


                                                                                         VALUE OF 40,000
                    PARTICIPANTS                                 PRICE PER POUND
                                                                                        POUND CONTRACT
                                         Sell 1 April Live Cattle                            $26,000
                      JANUARY                                        60 CENTS
                                            futures contract
                                         Buy 1 April Live Cattle                             $24,000
                       MARCH                                         65 CENTS
                                            futures contract
                                                GAIN                  5 CENTS                 $2.000

               Price per
               Assume you were wrong. Instead of decreasing, the April live cattle futures price increases - to,
               say, 70 cents a pound by the time in March when you eventually liquidate your short futures
               position through an offsetting purchase. The outcome would be as follows:

                                                                                         VALUE OF 40,000
                    PARTICIPANTS                                 PRICE PER POUND
                                                                                        POUND CONTRACT
                                         Sell 1 April Live Cattle                            $26,000
                      JANUARY                                        65 CENTS
                                            futures contract
                                         Buy 1 April Live Cattle                             $28,000
                       MARCH                                         70 CENTS
                                            futures contract
                                                LOSS                  5 CENTS                 $2.000

               In this example, the loss of 5 cents a pound on the futures transaction resulted in a total loss of
               the $2,000 you deposited as initial margin plus transaction costs.


               While most speculative futures transactions involve a simple purchase of futures contracts to
               profit from an expected price increase, or an equally simple sale to profit from an expected rice
               decrease, numerous other possible strategies exist. Spreads are one example.

               A spread, at least in its simplest form, involves buying one futures contract and selling another
               futures contract. The purpose is to profit from an expected change in the relationship between
               the purchase price of one and the selling price of the other.

               As an illustration, assume it's now November, the March wheat futures price is presently $3.10 a
               bushel and the May wheat futures price is presently $3.15 a bushel, a difference of 5 cents.

               Your analysis of market conditions indicates that, over the next few months, the price difference
               between the two contracts will widen to become greater than 5 cents. To profit if you are right,
               you could sell the March futures contract (the lower priced contract) and buy the May futures
               contract (the higher priced contract).
               Assume time and events prove you right and that, by February, the March futures price has risen
               to $3.20 and May futures price is $3.35, a difference of 15 cents. By liquidating both contracts at
               this time, you can realize a net gain of 10 cents a bushel. Since each contract is 5,000 bushels, the
               total gain is $500.

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