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               knowledge and trading plans with your financial experts and advisors. The effects of seasonality,
               applied with technical study and analysis, can produce well above average returns.

               WHAT ARE MUTUAL FUNDS?

               Mutual fund investing includes a variety or a combination of different asset classes including
               stocks, cash, and bonds. What are mutual funds? Mutual funds are referred to as a pool of money
               in which the investor owns a portion of the fund, therefore making him or her one of many
               shareholders. Once an investor owns a portion of the fund, he or she will share the value of any
               decreases or increases that the fund provides.

               What are mutual funds and why to people invest in them?
               Many invest in mutual funds for a number of reasons, however, the most valid reasons includes
               liquidity, diversification, cost efficiency and professional management.

               What are mutual funds and what are the advantages?
               Digging deeper into the benefits of investing in mutual funds, it is easy to see why so many
               investors opt to make this sort of investment. The liquidity of mutual funds means that investors
               can easily sell shares for cash and stocks and bonds can be bought and sold at whatever price is
               available on the open market. There are those mutual funds, however, that are traded only once
               each day at a fixed price. Mutual fund investing also provides portfolio diversification and low

               Mutual funds spread money invested because when some funds are doing poorly, others in one’s
               portfolio typically are doing well. When faced with the question, what are mutual funds, many
               investors  will  speak  of  concepts  such  as  cost  efficiency  and  professional  management.  Cost
               efficiency deals with the concept of buying power, meaning that by pooling your money together
               with other investors, you are creating a collective buying power that can potentially assist you to
               make more money than you would have made on your own. This is a very appealing concept to
               most investors as you can imagine.

               What are mutual funds and why do they require a fund manager?

               Many investors find that they lack the time necessary to make informed investment decisions.
               One of the benefits that investors have when they trade mutual funds online is that they get the
               expertise  of  a  fund  manager. Fund  managers  are  trained  to  focus  on  the  fund’s  investment
               strategies and goals and to make decisions that provide the best possible returns. This is a great
               benefit to investors who lack the knowledge and time required to invest wisely.

               What are mutual funds and how do they provide earnings?
               This  is  obviously  an  important question to  investors of  mutual  funds  and  the  answer  is  that
               mutual funds can provide earnings in three ways. The first way is through stock dividends in which
               the  earnings  are  distributed  in  relation  to  the  shares  owned.  The  distributions  are  typically
               annually, quarterly, or monthly. Earnings are also provided through appreciation in which the

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