P. 53

 Ms. Sally Burmester November 7,1995 Page3
iqSlV, Castle Rock has now acknowledged not only receipt of and access to at least one version glthe_scrygnplry- for "The President Elbpes," but ilso thit Reiner and Redford were discussing "The President Elopes" (which discussions by their very nanre must have included the story anE characters contained in the then-existing screlnphys) pfror to Sorkin miring his draft.
Eren more significantly, Sorkin, through his attorney, now admits to meeting with Redford to $scuss -4."-p*j".t pdaE to commencing work on his-screenplay, and Sorkin flnher admits that Redford "described the storyline of 'The President Elopesi" tij trim before he wrote his draft QgtV Variety, November 3,-1995, page 7 -- copy encloied). Alttrougtr Uotfr Reiner and Sorkin claim not to have read any of the many drafts of "The Presidcnt Elope-s," this is irrelevant. The only issue- (in regard to the pre-arbination hearing) is whether Soikin and Castle Rock were familiar with the story and ghar-act91s of "The Presid'ent Elopes" prior to Sorkin writing his draft, which they have now admitted. (It is wonh noring, however, tirat Castle Rock's udfririlo" oi
cryaP a. PrePTPtion that Castle Rock read and was lamiliar with its contents prior to Sorkin witing his drafr.)
It is now clear that the WGA was misled, intentionally or unintentionally, by Aaron Sorkin and
ruy be uriusual, burit is entircly fi;ted uno in-iici;q;itA in iiiii case because the Special Committeq in.arriving at its contlusions, relied substaniialiy, if not entirely, on rcprcsentations made by Sorkin's attolney which, it is now clear, werc inaccu:rate and
My client fo$qt -requests that the WGA conduct an investigation into this matter, and thar
prior access to the screenplay for "The President Elopes" under the WGA's own rules should
story credit for William Richert and KyIe Morris, and an immediate re-arbitration of crcdit with a
-Qagtle_|99k. Tht
only appropriate remedy is immediatc rcinititeinent of irreduoible
new arbitration panel.
d1s_ciplinary agtign be raken against Mr. Sorkin i1 the guild determines lPP.rpnriap_ that Mr.
sorkin or Mr. Heller knowingly made false Jtatements to the guild-
depan$ng on my client's
Castle Rock that the crcdits for this motionpicnre arc being re-arbinated and that Bili Rictrert
lin{lf*I 1m .respgct'ully.
bchalf that the WGA immediately inform
|n9 fVE Morris trill bc entitle4 at a minimim, qo story creilit. In such notice, ttrgoilA shouH inform Castle Rock that itmust innsdi+Iely conform its creaits (on soeen inO'in *iaAueniiini and promotional-materials) to reflect at least the irrcducible story credit due Richen."d Morri;: pending the results of the new arbitrarion.
Please contact me as soon as possible concerning the forcgoing. Thank you.

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