Page 22 - LRCC March 2022 FOCUS
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DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION                                                   FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  MARCH 2022

        Diversity Star Award to Recognize Regional DEI Champions


              he Lansing Regional Chamber                                        Award applications for the Diversity
              of Commerce (LRCC) and                                             Star Award will be accepted
        Tthe Lansing Economic Area                                               electronically on the Lansing Regional
        Partnership (LEAP) have joined forces                                    Chamber of Commerce website from
        to create a new award honoring                                           Tuesday, Feb. 1 through Thursday,
        organizations that champion                                              March 31. Up to three supplemental
        diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)                                    documents can be submitted with the
        in the workplace and the Lansing                                         award application. All businesses in
        regional community. The Diversity                                        the tri-county region (Ingham, Clinton
        Star Award honors companies and                                          and Eaton counties) are eligible
        organizations within the Lansing                                         for this award.  Nomination review
        region that demonstrate a solid                                          criteria and additional information
        commitment to advancing equity                                           for applicants is available on the
        and creating inclusive environments,                                     Lansing Chamber website: www.
        champion efforts for diversity and                             
        equitable practices in the workplace                                     events. l
        and beyond, support underserved
        and underrepresented employees
        and communities and contribute to a
        more just and equitable region.

        “Organizations of all sizes in our region have recognized
        the critical importance of living out a commitment to
        DEI from both a business and moral standpoint,” said
        Tim Daman, president & CEO, LRCC. “The Greater Lansing
        region is an established leader in advancing diversity and
        inclusion, which is creating stronger organizations and a
        more vibrant community. The Diversity Star Award will be
        an annual opportunity to celebrate the best of the best
        for their efforts in diversity, equity and inclusion.”

        The LRCC and LEAP will present two annual Diversity
        Star Awards at the LRCC Annual Dinner: one for small
        businesses (100 employees or less) and one for large
        businesses (101 employees or greater).  Award applicants
        must demonstrate how DEI has been successfully
        developed in the company culture and business
        operations and will be evaluated on their external efforts
        to collaborate with area initiatives to improve and
        recognize diversity in the Lansing region.

        “Top talent knows no demographic boundaries. We know
        that the most prosperous communities are those that
        welcome and embrace the diversity of people, thoughts
        and beliefs—this is the secret sauce in creating a great
        sense of place with an educated/skilled workforce,” said
        Tony Willis, chief equity development officer, LEAP. “It
        takes intentionality and continuous effort to create
        a welcoming and inclusive environment; this award
        acknowledges businesses in our community that are
        putting in the effort to do just that.”

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