Page 17 - LRCC October 2024 Focus update
P. 17
We do have
two world-class
systems with
hospitals here
in Lansing and
they’re providing
outstanding care.
Brian Peters, CEO of
Courtesy University of Michigan Health-Sparrow
the Michigan Health &
Hospital Association
Peters said the association’s Some of the workforce demand can be met by diligent
statewide member hospitals recruiting in higher education, Peters said.
grapple with workforce shortages,
greater behavioral health “We need to work with higher education and really create
demands, workplace violence, incentives for either young people who are considering a
health equity concerns, and career path, or mid-careerists who are looking for a career
hospital viability. path change, so that they can get this sort of training or
retraining to help fill these gaps. On the workforce side,
“There’s no single answer. These that’s part of the answer,” Peters said.
are obviously very complex issues,
so the answers are multiple,” Medical facilities in the Lansing region are well-positioned
Peters said. to make those connections with higher education
through ties to area high schools, community colleges,
Local healthcare needs are evolving, especially as the University of Michigan, and Michigan State University.
people live longer, according to Travis Souza, associate
chief strategy officer for the University of Michigan’s Peters said the Michigan Health & Hospital Association
Michigan Medicine. While telemedicine and artificial advocates against burdensome drug pricing, funding
intelligence can lessen some of the administrative cuts, and legislation that might diminish healthcare
burden on healthcare staffing, the need for in-person services in Lansing and statewide. He hopes Greater
pharmacists, registered nurses, Lansing community members recognize the healthcare
and physicians continues. industry’s inherent value.
“As that Baby Boomer population reaches the age “We do have two world-class healthcare systems
where you would expect them to have more healthcare with hospitals here in Lansing and they’re providing
needs, we as an industry, and as a society, need to be in outstanding care,” Peters said. “We have a good thing
a position to meet those needs,” Souza said. going. But we have some real headwinds, some real