Page 10 - LRCC May 2022 Focus
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MEMBER NEWS                                                                  FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  MAY 2022

            McLaren Greater Lansing

            Foundation Brings Healing

            Power of Art to Patients,




                  he McLaren Greater Lansing Foundation is
                  partnering with the Lansing Art Gallery &
            TEducation Center to create a hospital environment
            that plays an active role in the patient’s healing process
            by installing art pieces from Michigan artists in McLaren                                                     Courtesy McLaren Foundation
            Greater Lansing’s new health care campus, which opened
            March 6.

            Over the last few decades, a growing body of studies    Artist Mark Chatterley with his sculpture, "Flyers."
            and anecdotal evidence suggesting the capabilities of
            art as a tool in assisting the healing path has driven the   •  “Flyers,” a ceramic sculpture installed in the hospital
            incorporation of artwork into medical settings. However,    courtyard. The piece was created by Mark Chatterley,
            the healing role of art is not a modern concept. As early   Williamston resident and Lansing Art Gallery &
            as 1859, Florence Nightingale wrote, “The effect in the     Education Center member.
            sickness of beautiful objects, variety of objects, and
            especially  brilliancy of color is hardly appreciated.”   •  “Peace,” a powder-coated steel and glass sculpture
                                                                        installed in the lobby under the main staircase. The
            “Art inspires people and                                    piece was created by Kelly O’Neill, Brighton resident
            when people are seeking              “Art inspires          and Lansing Art Gallery & Education Center member.
            medical treatment. Not
            only do they need the                  people and         •  “Sunset Over the Big Lake,” an acrylic on canvas
            area’s most trusted             when people are             installed in the cafeteria. The piece was created by
            providers, but they also        seeking medical             Empire resident Mark Mehaffey, a member of the
            need inspiration,” said                                     Lansing Art Gallery & Education Center.
            Lynn Griffor, vice president,     treatment. Not
            McLaren Greater Lansing       only do they need         In addition to art pieces curated by the Lansing
            Foundation. “This is a                                  Art Gallery & Education Center, the foundation
            perfect opportunity for          the area’s most        independently selected and installed eight additional
            two local organizations       trusted providers,        art pieces.
            that have two different       but they also need
            missions to work together                               In most cases, visiting a hospital isn’t a joyful experience.
            to uplift people.”                  inspiration.”       It means you or a loved one needs care, which can
                                                                    be quite stressful. Art can be an important part of the
            For the new health care                                 healing process. When considering art in our new
            campus, the foundation collaborated with the Lansing    hospital, we wanted to provide a sense of calm to
            Art Gallery & Education Center to choose three separate   promote healing for both patients and their family,” said
            pieces by Michigan artists.                             Kirk Ray, president and CEO, McLaren Greater Lansing. “I
                                                                    am so thankful to all of the local artists we partnered with
            Over the last year, the Lansing Art Gallery & Education   and am excited for patients, visitors and employees to see
            Center assisted the foundation with curating and        the art featured throughout the hospital, outpatient care
            installing art for the new hospital, which includes:    center and Karmanos Cancer Institute.” l

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