Page 25 - LRCC May 2022 Focus
P. 25


                 How Supervisors and Colleagues Can

                 Create a Supportive Work Environment

                 •  Watch for signs of burnout in yourself and others.  •  Lack of social interaction
                 •  Show sincere interest in the needs, hopes and     •  Lower productivity
                   dreams of others.                                  •  Anxiety
                 •  Demonstrate a willingness to help others and refer   •  Lack of hobbies
                   them to resources.                                 •  Missed work deadlines and/or targets
                 •  Show compassion for people experiencing loss or   •  Persistent tiredness in the mornings
                   other personal issues.                             •  Physical illness
                 •  Work burnout is a serious problem and comes       •  Procrastination at work and home
                   at greater risk during times of intense stress and   •  Repeated lateness for work
                   pressure.                                          •  Resentfulness
                 •  Many people are stressed, putting in more work    •  Social withdrawal from friends and/or family
                   hours than ever before.                            •  Anger or aggressive behavior
                 •  Many are finding it difficult to separate work and   •  Apathy
                   home life.                                         •  Fatigue and/or chronic exhaustion
                                                                      •  Denial of problems at work or at home
               Managers who are skilled at empathetic leadership can   •  Feeling pressured or out of control
               recognize signs of overwork in others before burnout   •  Increased alcohol/drug/caffeine consumption
               becomes an issue that results in disengagement or      •  Avoidance of decision making
               turnover. This might mean taking a few extra minutes   •  Change in appetite or diet
               each week to check in with team members and gauge      •  General neglect of personal needs
               how they’re handling their current workload and
               helping them to recover from overwork.               Do you notice these things in your employees or
                                                                    colleagues? If so, ask them how they are doing. Listen
               SIGNS OF BURNOUT:                                    and reflect, provide the appropriate resources, invite
                                                                    a speaker to discuss well-being topics and resources,
                 •  High blood pressure                             and regularly give reminders on resources like
                 •  Headaches                                       counseling, an employee assistance program, or other
                 •  Inability to focus                              well-being resources at work and in the community.
                 •  Irritability
                 •  Job dissatisfaction                             Source: Michigan State University WorkLife Office.
                 •  Lack of sleep or reduced sleep quality          Home | MSU WorkLife Office

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