Page 5 - 2023 LRCC Legislative and Policy Advocacy Guide
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2023 Legislative Agenda & Policy Guide


        Please find below advocacy and legislative policy priority highlights from the first six months of 2023.

            4  Capital City State Allocation (PILT) =               4  Expansion of the state’s earned income tax credit
               $1 million annually                                     (House Bill 4001)
            4  New City Hall Redevelopment = $40 million            4  Tax relief for businesses paying sales tax on
            4  Downtown Housing Development = $40 million              delivery & installation of products (House Bill
            4  Jackson Stadium/Lugnuts stadium                         4039 & 4253)
               improvements for High A MiLB = $1.5 million          4  Expansion of the Elliot Larsen Civil Rights Act
                                                                       (Senate Bill 4)
        TALENT & EDUCATION                                          4  Passage of the Crown Act (Senate Bill 90)
            4  Supported $54.75 million to fund the state’s
               Going PRO Talent Fund                            HEALTHCARE
            4  Michigan State University Engineering and            4  Child & Family Charities Greenlawn Project =
               Digital Innovation Center = $30 million                 $6 million
            4  Michigan Joint Training Innovation Center =          4  McLaren Greenlawn Mental Health Services =
               $5 million                                              $4 million

        REGIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE                                 HOUSING
            4  Dewitt Road Reconstruction Project (St. Johns) =     4  Supported $2 million Lansing Housing project
               3,500,000                                               construction (MSHDA)
            4  Chandler Road Reconstruction Project (Dewitt,        4  Walter French CAHP Project = $2.5 million
               Bath Township) = $10,000,000                         4  Supported $800,000 for a Lansing Warming
            4  Eaton County Road project grant = $18.2 million         Center
            4  Eaton County water Infrastructure grant =
               $10 million
            4  Michigan Avenue Corridor Reconstruction
               project = $11.62 million
            4  Capital Region International Airport Road
               improvements = $9.4 million

             For more information, please visit the Advocacy Page under “Current Issues” on the Chamber’s website.

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