Page 35 - LRCC FOCUS Magazine July 2023
P. 35                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

                                             as a credit analyst supporting the    medical grade products are now
                                             growth of Mercantile Community        being offered. It’s an amazing
                                             Partners.                             package for lifting and brightening
                                                                                   and returning face, neck back to
                                             The Karmanos Cancer Institute         its healthy point without invasive
                                             at McLaren Greater Lansing has        chemicals or surgeries or down time!
                                             once again been accredited by
                                             the American College of Radiology
                                             (ACR) as a Center of Excellence.
        Cauzillo          Scudder            The accreditation comes after
                                             a thorough, rigorous, and all-
                          expertise in Low-  encompassing on-site review by
                          Income Housing     board-certified radiation oncologists
                          and Historic Tax   and medical physicists. Their review
                          Credit equity      confirms that the Karmanos Cancer
                          financing,         Institute at McLaren Greater Lansing   Capital Area Housing Partnership
                          which will allow   has, and continues to effectively     officially broke ground on
                          Mercantile         use, the latest technology to         revitalizing the historic Walter
                          to be a “one-      provide cancer treatments that are    H. French Junior High School
                          stop-shop” for     precisely targeted at a tumor, while   in Lansing. The $35 million
        Fillmore          lending and tax    minimizing any radiation to the       redevelopment project will
        credit investment. Emily Cauzillo    tissue and organs surrounding it.     transform the vacant structure
        will join as vice president and                                            into 76 affordable housing units,
        director of mercantile community     Mahabir Wellness is offering a        a childcare center, and a new
        partners. Peter Scudder will join as   new product. Rainforest Frequency   headquarters for the nonprofit
        vice president, financial reporting   Natural Skin Safe Treatments         organization. The facility is slated to
        manager. Zac Fillmore will join      including fresh botanicals and        be fully operational in 2025. l

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