Page 24 - LRCC FOCUS March 2020
P. 24
on March 25, 2020. Dr. Sabato, a bestselling author ANNIVERSARIES Ted S. Rozeboom was elected president of the firm,
and award-winning television commentator and Sara L. Cunningham was elected vice president,
political predictor, will preview the 2020 election. The As the anticipation James F. Anderton, V was elected treasurer, Kevin
fundraiser returns to East Lansing on Wednesday, builds towards the J. Roragen was elected secretary and Michael H.
March 25 at the Kellogg Center on the MSU campus. 25th season of Lansing Rhodes was also elected to the Executive Committee
Lugnuts baseball, the as director.
Lugnuts have released
their special 25th Home Builders Association of
Anniversary logo, to Greater Lansing has appointed
be worn on the team Brent Forsberg of T.A. Forsberg
uniform during the 2020 season. As part of the Inc. as the 2020 president of
celebration, the Lugnuts will be throwing it back the association. Brent Forsberg
to the first baseball game played at the stadium – has been an active member of
played not by the Nuts, but between Michigan State the association both locally and
and Michigan on April 3, 1996. The 25th season nationally for 22 years.
will have a similar feel, as the Spartans take on the Forsberg
LAFCU financial experts helped Lansing Christian School seniors hone their rival Wolverines on April 14 at Cooley Law School Junior Achievement of Mid-
financial decision-making skills at a Financial Reality Fair in January.
Stadium, followed by Opening Day on April 16 as Michigan welcomes John
LAFCU provided a reality check to seniors at the Lugnuts host the Dayton Dragons. McGraw of River Caddis
Lansing Christian School to help them better Development to its board of
understand personal finance. This is the second year directors. John shared that
LAFCU has presented a 1.5-hour Financial Reality “Learning there is an organization
Fair for the school’s senior class. At the January fair, that fosters and educates the next
10 LAFCU employees and several Lansing Christian generation in life and business left
School faculties provided one-on-one guidance to McGraw me inspired and called to action. I
students tasked to create real-life financial budgets. am honored at the opportunity and platform to assist
in illuminating a path that helps younger people find
Origami Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center is their passion and place.”
proud to join brain injury survivors, caregivers, and
supporters in celebrating Brain Injury Awareness
Month. For decades, the Brain Injury Association
of America has led a nationwide public awareness
campaign during the month of March to de- Eaton RESA joined 538 local and 56 intermediate
stigmatize brain injury through outreach and school districts across Michigan to celebrate January
education. According to the Brain Injury Association as School Board Recognition Month. The men clarity confidence effectiveness vitality
of Michigan, 58,500 people sustain a brain injury and women serving on the Eaton RESA Board ™
each year in Michigan. of Education are Jack Temsey, president from THE FIT LEADER’S PROGRAM
Potterville; Mark Rushford, vice president from OPEN-ENROLLMENT PROGRAM
The Capital Area College Access Network hosted Maple Valley; Denise DuFort, secretary from Grand OPPORTUNITIES IN MAY 2020
the sixth annual Launch Your Dream Career- Ledge; Debbie Roberts, treasurer from Eaton
Focused College Fair on Friday, Feb. 7 at Lansing Rapids and Max Baxter, trustee from Charlotte.
Community College West Campus. Students from "Even more elegant than I had hoped
for, the Fit Leader’s Program opens
Eaton RESA member high schools attended to BOARD OF DIRECTORS & doors for me, and shaved years off "The Fit Leader’s Program was
creating my own program!"
learn more about how post-secondary education EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE UPDATES exactly what we needed to move
our internal talent to leadership
connects to their career goals. Participants at Launch greatness!"
"My next promotion came much faster
Your Dream gained skills and knowledge about the once the Fit Leader’s Program helped me
college process and the transition from school to increase my Clarity, Confidence,
Effectiveness and Vitality."
career. The event featured workshops on college
and career planning, test preparation, financial
reality, summer employment, apprenticeship
programs, and the opportunity to meet with over
45 college, apprenticeship, military and financial aid The Leadership Fitness Experience is unique
among executive development programs because
representatives. Rozeboom Cunningham Anderton of its highly effective combination of:
• Tool-based workshops
A. Dean Watkins invites you to attend their Trade The law firm of • Professional coaching
Show Open House on Tuesday, April 14. The event Loomis, Ewert, • Leadership assessments
will take place from 10:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. in Parsley, Davis • Online resources
the Red Cedar Room at the Kellogg Center on & Gotting ROSS WOODSTOCK SUSAN COMBS
the MSU campus. They will have leading suppliers P.C. is pleased (517) 410-7636 (517) 231-7606
from the promotional products industry displaying to announce its
the latest ideas for you to view for your business or 2020 Officers
organization. The event is in celebration of A. Dean Roragen Rhodes and Executive Authorized Licensee of the Institute for Leadership Fitness.
Watkins 70th year in business. Committee: