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named to the Top Regional Firms in the ecosystems is taking a significant step forward Three MSU Federal Credit Union board
Country by Accounting Today magazine. One with support from a U.S. Economic Development members have been re-elected for three-year
of five Michigan-based firms, Maner Costerisan, Administration (EDA) CARES Act Recovery terms. Those Board members are Ernest Betts;
ranked in the Top 25 Firms in the Great Lakes Assistance grant. The project work funded John Brick; and Janet Lillie. Ernest Betts will
Region, which includes firms in Illinois, Indiana, through the grant is expected to create 560 jobs, continue in his role as treasurer. Additional board
Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. 2021 marks the retain 65 jobs, and attract $425 million in private members are Angela Brown, chair; Gregory
second year Maner has received the Top Regional investment. The EDA grant will help jumpstart a Deppong, vice chair; Steven Kurncz, secretary;
Firms designation. nearly $1.1 million plan to build up and connect Bill Beekman; Michael Hudson; and Elizabeth
robust health care and medical technology value Lawrence.
chain in the Lansing region, from startups to
global companies working in pharmaceuticals, The following are new Highfields board members
medical device manufacturing, biotechnology, for 2021-2022: Carol Beals, M.D., lives on
digital health, and more. The $813,000 EDA an 80-acre farm in Grand Ledge and recently
grant will be matched with $257,000 local funds, retired from a private practice in rheumatology
including support from the Michigan Economic at Beals Institute in Lansing. Chad Karsten is
Development Corporation (MEDC) using an associate attorney at Fahey Schultz Burzych
Community Development Block Grant funds Rhodes (FSBR), PLC in Okemos. Chad practices
and in-kind matching funds from LEAP. in FSBR’s Labor & Employment practice group.
Kiyerra Lake is a Michigan native and currently
Promotions works at WLNS-TV 6 News in Lansing. She is
an anchor for 6 News this Morning.
Lansing Community College
President Steve Robinson has
McLaren Greater Lansing has received formally appointed Seleana
national accreditation for its breast care center Samuel to senior vice president
by the National Accreditation Program for Breast for business operations, a role
Centers (NAPBC). Affiliated with the American she has held on an interim
College of Surgeons, the NAPBC is a nonprofit basis since July 2020. In this
organization that identifies and recognizes breast Samuel role, administrative services,
centers providing high-quality care in the United information technology Roberson McCulloch Benson
States. services, human resources, marketing, public Cinnaire has announced three new members
relations, purchasing, risk management and have joined the organization’s board of directors.
legal services, and compliance report directly to The new board members will provide strategic
Samuel. direction supporting continued growth around
Cinnaire’s unwavering belief that all people
LAFCU has promoted Emily deserve the opportunities to live in healthy
Jannereth to the new position communities. The new board members
of chief technology officer. include Quinetta Roberson, John A. Hannah
This position focuses on distinguished professor of management and
using technology to improve psychology, Michigan State University; Anne
efficiencies and enhance service McCulloch, president and CEO, Housing
for members. In her new Partnership Equity Trust and Jeffrey Benson,
role, Jannereth is responsible president and CEO, Case Credit Union.
for planning, establishing,
and administering strategy for the Michigan People News
credit union’s technology, including its remote
infrastructure. She will continue to report to Valerie Franzen, conference
The Sparrow Carson Hospital Laboratory has LAFCU CEO, Patrick Spyke. planner and global
received an important national recognition from project manager with
the accreditation committee of the College of Board of Directors & Executive ConferenceDirect, is a proud
American Pathologists (CAP), denoting the Committee Updates member of the 2020-2021
excellence of the hospital’s lab services. Sparrow Leadership Lansing cohort.
Carson Hospital Laboratory is one of more The Ingham Health Plan Additionally, Valerie completed
than 8,000 CAP-accredited facilities worldwide. (IHP) Corporation has named Franzen the Digital Event Strategist
The federal government recognizes the CAP Kathleen Stiffler, senior health and the Pandemic Compliance
Laboratory Accreditation Program, begun in the policy advisor and executive Advisor for Meeting & Event Professionals
early 1960s, as being equal to or more stringent director of the Michigan Health certification programs. While continuing to
than the government’s inspection program. Policy Forum, Michigan State support virtual and hybrid events, Valerie is
University, Institute for Health planning safe face-to-face meetings for her
The Lansing Economic Area Partnership’s Stiffler Policy to its board of directors. clients, locally and nationally.
(LEAP) efforts to transform and connect a IHP is a nonprofit that provides
vital and growing regional industry cluster into access to basic medical and dental care for low-
one of the nation’s top 20 medical technology income uninsured Ingham County residents.