Page 24 - LRCC April FOCUS 2024
P. 24
NEW HIRES of human resources and to chief
human resources officer in 2021.
Lansing-based public relations She’s also an alumna of the Lansing
and digital marketing firm Martin Regional Chamber’s Leadership
Waymire has hired Mariam Lansing program.
Robinson as its director of public
relations. Robinson has worked
in the greater Lansing area for 17
years, with experience in public
policy, government relations, project Padot Wohlfert
management, marketing and
communications, and association
governance. She’s worked for
organizations such as the Michigan
Infrastructure and Transportation (L to R) Adam Frost, Ana Loew, Brendan
Baker, Kelly Decker, Adam Rivera,
Association, Emergent Holdings, and Madison Reavis, Madison Ley, Steven
Ngage Management. Guipe, Steven Osborn and Will Kwiecinski.
Fraser Maner
Trebilcock has Costerisan has
hired criminal announced 11 Backus Jesperson
defense and staff promotions Wohlfert has
professional within its been promoted
licensing business to director of
attorney Robert consulting, sales, state
J. Andretz to wealth accounts. Ariel
work primarily management, Backus joined
Andretz in the law firm’s Todd technology, the Choose
Lansing office. and public Lansing sales
With two decades of experience, accounting firm. Kevin Todd has team in 2022
Andretz has represented felony and been promoted from manager Lavender with more than a
misdemeanor clients in state and to senior manager in Maner’s tax decade of event
federal courts throughout Michigan. department, where he will focus on management and sales experience.
He previously served as president of tax planning and compliance for In her new role as director of sales,
the Clinton County Bar Association individual and for-profit business national accounts, Backus aims to
and the Catholic Lawyers Guild of returns and provide support for attract new business to the region
the Diocese of Lansing. federal and state controversy work. from around the country. Beth
Meanwhile, 10 team members Jespersen is now the research and
PROMOTIONS have been promoted to manager technology systems manager to
including Adam Frost, Ana Loew, recognize her role in working with
LAFCU has Brendan Baker, Kelly Decker, Choose Lansing’s data vendors
promoted Adam Rivera, Madison Reavis, and providing data analysis for
Robyn Howell Madison Ley, Steven Guipe, Steven Choose Lansing. Meanwhile, Anne
to executive vice Osborn and Will Kwiecinski. Lavender is now an executive
president and coordinator, to fully encompass her
chief operating Choose Lansing has announced role with the Board of Directors and
officer of the the recent promotion of five staff coordination of membership and
Michigan credit members within the Greater Lansing CTA responsibilities.
union. In her area marketing organization.
new role, Howell Formerly vice president of marketing AWARDS
is responsible communications, Tracy Padot has
for overseeing and guiding LAFCU’s been promoted to chief marketing McLaren Greater Lansing nurse
activities to fulfill the credit officer. Padot has been a part of the Lindsay Lukavsky was honored with
union’s goals. This is Howell’s third Choose Lansing team since 2000 the DAISY Award for Extraordinary
promotion since joining LAFCU in and leads the marketing efforts Nurses. Lukavsky was nominated
2017 as the credit union’s human for both Choose Lansing and the by a caregiver of a patient who
resources manager. She was Lansing Sports Commission. After six said, “Lindsay was so caring and
promoted in 2018 to vice president years at Choose Lansing, Stephanie compassionate with my mother. The