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FOCUS Magazine

                                               EDITORIAL MISSION

        FOCUS Magazine is the greater Lansing region’s premier monthly business publication, providing
        important updates on our members and the business, economic, legislative and community issues
        impacting our region.

                                                      AD RATES*

              1/4-PAGE              1/2-PAGE             FULL PAGE             BACK COVER           DOUBLE PAGE
              6x: $400               1x: $850              1x: $950              3x: $1,100             1x: $1,800
              12x: $350              3x: $800              3x: $900              6x: $1,050
                                     6x: $750              6x: $850              12x: $1,000
                                    12x: $700              12x: $800

                               * Advertising rates for Future LRCC members is the listed rate plus 10%


        Opportunity for business professionals to share their specific knowledge and expertise in their fields in a
        dynamic way to FOCUS Magazine readers.
        •  350 WORDS (includes one image) - $750 (half-page)
        •  700 WORDS (includes two images) - $1,250 (full page)


        Sponsored content providers will conform to the          •   Political content will not be published.
        writing standards for FOCUS Magazine and our             •   Content must be received by the stated deadlines
        commitment to providing our readers with timely             to ensure placement in the designated edition. We
        and relevant content. Columnists will abide by the          cannot guarantee placement if the content is not
        following rules when submitting content:                    received or there are other outlying concerns or
        •   Article topics, headlines, copy, images and more        questions.
            are subject to editor approval and may be changed    •   All contributors will provide a high-resolution
            at the discretion of the LRCC.                          headshot and a brief biography of up to 50 words.
        •   Column space must not be used for self-                 Bios can include any information including your
            promotion, promotion of a specific business             profession, hobbies, community service, family, etc.
            or  any other abuse of the expert’s opinion and         Contact information is also provided.

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