Page 9 - LRCC FOCUS December 2021
Mid-Michigan Spartans Serve Michigan State Students
By: Celine Kerik, Kolt Communications, Inc.
ince 1966 and many active years
prior, Mid-Michigan Spartans
Shave had quite a significant
economic impact on the Lansing
region, and specifically on Michigan
State University’s (MSU) programs
and a new generation of students.
The official mission statement of the
club, inspired by Former Michigan
State running back, Todd J. Duckett,
states, “The Mid-Michigan Spartans
purpose is to help Spartans stay
connected and maintain a direct
relationship with MSU. Our passion is
to promote engagement in activities
that will serve our community.
Whether it’s on-campus or in the Showing their Spartan spirit are members of the Mid-Michigan Spartan Alumni club,
business sector, our goal is to remind l-r: Jamell Williams, Scott Pantaleo, Tim Fox, Michelle Maki, Robert Ulrich.
Spartans there is
a place to show the year. Fundraising, scholarships, and networking
your passion!” events are some of the ways the club helps the future
generations of Spartans. Besides financial matters,
Jamell Williams, Mid-Michigan Spartans feel they must serve students
vice president by being physically involved in the community. For
of community example, they assist incoming MSU students on the
partnerships in move-in day, every year.
Spartans, is a “I lived in Brody when I was a student, so I took pride in
2002 graduate helping them. I would always tie in, ‘hey, I lived in this
from the hall.’ I would help the parents with reassurance with
College of their kids and telling them their young adults would be
Communication okay,” said Williams. “I’ve always enjoyed that and a lot of
Arts and our other team members. . Theyhelp with student move-
Sciences with in as well. We try to do things with the university to help
a degree in [students].”
Nearly 20 Williams credits Lisa Parker, the senior director of alumni
years after Jamell Williams and Lisa Parker engagement at Michigan State, for being “supportive
completing his and helpful,” and providing the group with direction,
undergraduate degree, he continues to be a part of leadership, and hope. He says she is one of many that
MSU’s community by providing his time to the non- help makes a wonderful impact on the organization and
profit organization, building awareness, and supporting gives members like him an opportunity to give back to
university programs. the school he adores.
“I was raised with the importance of volunteering to “Michigan State University means a lot to me. Anyone
things that matter most to me,” Williams says. “So, with who knows me personally knows how passionate I am
my love of Michigan State University, and our local about my university,” said Williams. “MSU provided
community, it only makes sense for me to want to help me with a wonderful education and played a role in
the university in this way.” preparing me for life.”
They host various events for the 43,000 members living To invest or learn more about the Mid-Michigan Spartans,
in Ingham, Eaton, and Clinton counties throughout please visit l