Page 12 - LRCC April 2022 Focus
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Lansing Regional Chamber Annual Dinner Set for June 16
at Eagle Eye Banquet Center
ake sure to save the date
for the Lansing Regional
MChamber of Commerce
(LRCC) Annual Dinner, taking
place at Eagle Eye Golf and
Banquet Center on Thursday,
June 16 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The region's premier business
celebration and networking event
is celebrating its 110th anniversary
this year and will feature cocktail
party attire, a strolling dinner,
drinks and great conversation.
The event will honor the
outgoing LRCC board members with the 2022 board The LRCC and LEAP are also proud to feature a
chair remarks. It will also celebrate the Community new award, the Diversity Star Award, recognizing
Service, Outstanding Small Business and Legacy organizations that excel in their commitment to
Award recipients, the previous year's 10 Over the Next diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace and
Ten, Celebration of Regional Growth, ATHENA and community. Tickets cost $95 for members and $140
ATHENAPowerLink recipients, and LRCC Ambassadors. for future members. l
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