Page 19 - LRCC April 2022 Focus
P. 19
Lansing/Delta Township Assembly Plant. Credit: GM.
General Motors recently announced Battery Plant will be located Meijer’s Distribution Township in Delta Township. Credit:
in Delta Township near the existing Lansing/Delta Township University Communications (UC) | Michigan State University
Assembly Plant. Credit: GM.
D.C. and convenient connections globally. LAN has also operations at the airport and give us
just completed its 13th year of international flights through the ability to better accommodate
Apple Vacations, this year sending leisure travelers to current demand and future growth as
Cancun and Punta Cana on nonstop flights from LAN. well as diversify revenues,” said Nicole
The first international season in 2009-2010 had just 15 Noll-Williams, president and CEO of
international departures, which has grown to 50 total the CRAA. “This could not have been
flights for the 2022 season. done without the support of our local,
state, and federal partners, and we
The steady growth of cargo moving through LAN has want to thank them for their continued
been less well-known but equally critical. As a full-service support and are looking forward to Noll-Williams
U.S. Port of Entry, LAN can clear products and passengers getting this project underway.”
quickly through U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
The Port Lansing Global Logistics Center operates as a The cargo ramp expansion is expected to cost an estimated
container freight station and is home to Foreign Trade $11.9 million. The additional funds needed to complete the
Zone No. 275. These services are valuable to customers project will come from the Airport Improvement Program
importing and exporting international goods. (AIP) and local match dollars. The project is expected to
begin in the second quarter of 2022.
The Capital Region Airport Authority (CRAA) recently
announced that LAN will receive $8.183 million in Approximately 60.7 million pounds of cargo is moved
federal funding to expand the existing cargo ramp to through LAN annually, and cargo operations continue to
accommodate current and future cargo operations. This grow each year. Expanded infrastructure is necessary to
funding was included in the federal budget bill that accommodate current operations and support continued
recently passed. growth. This project is anticipated to provide approximately
63 percent more cargo ramp space, which is needed,
“This federal funding will allow us to expand our cargo especially during the first and fourth quarters.