Page 15 - LRCC March 2022 Focus
2022 ATHENA Leadership Award and
2023 ATHENAPowerLink Award Nominations Open
he ATHENA Leadership Award was created
in 1982 by Martha Mertz, former president
Tof the Lansing Regional Chamber of
Commerce (LRCC). It is presented to individuals
who demonstrate the qualities embodied in
the ATHENA Leadership Model, have achieved
the highest level of professional excellence,
contributes time and energy to improve the
quality of life for others in the community, and
actively assists others, particularly women, in
realizing their full leadership potential. Michelle
Massey of TechSmith was the 2021 ATHENA
Leadership Award honoree.
Do you know an exceptional leader in the
#LoveLansing community? Nominate them on Michelle Massey of TechSmith was Tobi Lyon of Ngage Management
the LRCC website by Friday, Sept. 23 at https:// the 2021 ATHENA Leadership Award is the 2022 ATHENAPowerLink honoree. recipient.
The LRCC is also encouraging applications for the 2023 enhance the business owner’s leadership and management
ATHENAPowerLink (APL) program. APL is a national skills for future business endeavors. Tobi Lyon of Ngage
mentoring program that connects selected women Management is the 2022 APL honoree.
business owners with a skilled advisory panel, which
helps the business owner achieve networking, capital, The application deadline is Friday, April 15. The application is
operational and strategic goals. The program will also available on the LRCC website. l
The GLCVB’s role is to market the Capital Region as a travel destination
and our vision is to inspire visitors and residents alike to love Lansing as
much as we do. We understand what makes this community great. Work
with us to host your next meeting or event and together we can grow the (517) 487-0077
local economy while showcasing our hometown pride. Contact us today! #LOVELANSING