Page 24 - LRCC March 2022 Focus
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Amy Scoby of Christman Company to Lead
2022 LRCC Policy Committee
my Scoby of The Christman Company has been Scoby: For 2022, we established three areas for proactive
elected to serve as the chair of the 2022 Lansing focus and three reactive areas. In terms of the proactive
ARegional Chamber of Commerce (LRCC) Policy focus, the first was creating and maintaining a strong,
Committee. Scoby succeeds Matt Resch inclusive economic development,
of Resch Strategies who has served as and an environment for high-
chair since 2015. Resch is the new chair- 2022 LRCC quality job creation and investment,
elect of the LRCC Board of Directors. including quality of life, safety, and
Scoby is also serving on the LRCC Board POLICY the like. Second is around talent and
of Directors as division director for COMMITTEE education. We want to enhance the
government relations. Lansing region’s talent pipeline and
MEMBERS education, including K-12, higher
In her role at Christman, Scoby is the education and the professional
senior vice president providing corporate trades. The third area focuses on
leadership for Christman’s marketing, Amy Scoby, chair, The Christman infrastructure investment. We want to
business development and government Company be a magnet and work regionally to
relations activities. FOCUS Magazine Matt Resch, Resch Strategies maximize infrastructure investment,
talked to Scoby about the upcoming year including roads, bridges, transit and
for the LRCC Policy Committee. Bill Kimble, C2AE telecom.
Joe Ford, Netvantage Marketing
FOCUS: How does the policy committee Scott Ammon, Ammon Meyer On the reactive side, we will focus on
serve the LRCC and its members? Pence Group, Merrill Lynch ensuring we have an environment
John Shaski, Sparrow Health where businesses want to open,
Scoby: The policy committee is a System relocate, and expand. We also want
dedicated group of Lansing Regional Rebecca Bahar-Cook, Capital to keep an eye on government
Chamber members who develop Fundraising Associates regulation, affordable housing
recommendations to the board of and health care accessibility and
directors regarding legislative challenges Ben Bakken, Tri-Star Trust Bank affordability.
and opportunities in the region. We are Ben Miller, Comcast
focused on guiding and advancing the Jim Hunsanger, MSUFCU FOCUS: Are there two to three
LRCC’s policy priorities and ensuring specific initiatives that you see as
that the Lansing region is a place where Becky O’Connell, Lake Trust being a particular emphasis in 2022?
Credit Union
people and businesses can thrive.
John Truscott, Truscott Rossman Scoby: Absolutely, the first is
FOCUS: How did the committee Doug Mains, downtown Lansing. It’s time to
establish its priorities for 2022? Honigman LLP breathe new life into our downtown
Charles Hauser, Granger Waste and advocate for policies and efforts
Scoby: As a committee, we always monitor Service that reduce vacancies, support our
the evolving business environment here Ernest Tisdale, EDUstaff small businesses and new business
in the Lansing region. To establish this incubator opportunities. We need to
year’s priorities, we looked at how well Kevin McKinney, McKinney and get our fair share of funds available
we did at moving things forward in 2021 Associates through the state budget process and
and considered the LRCC membership Monique Field-Foster, Warner American Rescue Fund dollars and
survey results regarding the needs Norcross + Judd LLP ensure that those dollars are going
being identified for the coming year. The Jamie White, White Law to projects and initiatives with the
Lansing Regional Chamber public affairs Jeff Smith, highest ROI for the region.
department also is accommodating in MSU Foundation
providing current and emerging policy We also want to focus on notable
analysis. This information was helpful in If you are interested in learning findings that were in the State of the
establishing the recommended priorities more about the work of the LRCC Lansing Region Benchmarking Report.
for 2022. Policy Committee or serving as a The report lists areas of strengths and
member, contact Steve Japinga at opportunities. We want to leverage
FOCUS: What are the policy priorities that information and focus on moving
the committee will focus on this year? critical initiatives forward. l