Page 12 - LRCC May 2021 Focus
P. 12

State of the

                                 The Next
           State of the   2020  Step Forward
            Lansing Region                                Lansing Region

          Clinton   •  •   Eaton   •  •   Ingham   •  •   Shiawassee
                                                          Benchmarking Report
                                                          The Next Step Forward

            s we enter a new decade, the Lansing region,   Region Benchmarking                                        is a unified focus on how
            encompassing Ingham, Eaton, Clinton, and   Report compares the                                            to position our region
        AShiawassee counties is in a solid place. Cranes   Lansing  region  on                                        and to come together
        are in the sky. There are an estimated $3.2 billion   42 indicators relative                                  with  a  plan  that  will
        in current new investments, with hundreds of   to 11 peer regions:   Among the 42 economic                    build on the strength of
        millions more and thousands  of jobs expected.  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.;  indicators compared in the 2019          our community,” said
        The Lansing region has successfully positioned   Columbus, Ohio; Des                                          April  Clobes,  CEO,
        itself nationally and globally, competing for and   Moines, Iowa; Durham,   report, four areas stand out      MSU Federal Credit
        attracting significant foreign investment from   N.C.;  Grand  Rapids,   for short-term strategic focus       Union.
        Fortune 500 companies.                       Mich.;     Greenville,
                                                     S.C.; Hartford,  Conn.;   based on their impact on long-         The report was launched
        Though the future looks bright, a group of   Indianapolis,   Ind.;  term economic growth. They are            in  2019,  pre-Covid
        community leaders has been pushing to accelerate   Madison,  Wis.;                                            pandemic,  and   the
        efforts to compete for future jobs and investments.   Minneapolis/St.  Paul,  population growth, educational   resulting  disruption
        The Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce     Minn., and Nashville,   attainment, private sector               is not reflected in the
        (LRCC), the Lansing Area Economic Partnership   Tenn.                                                         report’s data.  The data
        (LEAP), and ten other regional partners                             growth, and affordability.                collected in the report
        determined the next step for the region was to gain   “The  number  one                                       is  viewed  as  a  strong
        an accurate assessment of where our region stands   objective I see for this                                  framework that allows
        in comparison to other thriving communities.   is to raise awareness for leaders in the Lansing   partners to develop a blueprint going forward.
        After benchmarking the Lansing region against 11   area is that we are competing against some pretty   Anderson Economic will update the data twice
        communities, the group resolved it would develop   strong other metropolitan areas,” said Patrick   in the next two to four years, allowing the region
        specific strategies to move the region forward.  Anderson, principal, Anderson Economic Group.   to assess the impact of COVID more fully and
                                                    “We have strengths to bring to that race and we   further adjust strategies and tactics as economic
        “For us to take that next big jump as a region, we   have weaknesses to address. If we focus on those,   circumstances continue to evolve.
        felt that we needed some priority areas,” said Tim   we will do well.”
        Daman, president & CEO, LRCC.                                                           “It gives us a great scorecard to know how we are
                                                    “Many business owners feel they are lucky to be   doing and have meaningful conversations around
        “We felt it was time for the region to mature to the   in this region and sense many benefits. But we   metrics,” said Patrick Dean, vice president of business
        next level,” said Bob  Trezise, president & CEO,   have lacked the fact base, lacked the vocabulary   development, Dean  Transportation.  “The findings
        LEAP. “We need to enter the major leagues from   to represent this to others, lacked the physical   will allow us to implement policies and develop goals
        the minor leagues.”                          presentation tools,” said  Wendy Hamilton,   for our region so that 15, 20, and 30 years from now
                                                     CEO of  TechSmith and chair of the LRCC     we can be the community that we want to be and have
        Upon receiving support from the area’s business   Board of Directors.  “The greatest value is the   a lot of solid growth in our region.”
        leaders and local stakeholders, LRCC and LEAP   communication value – we can more easily share
        commissioned Anderson Economic Group to      what makes our region special.”            “We must clearly understand  our strengths  and
        conduct a benchmarking study for the Lansing                                             opportunities for improvement, and for the
        region. The resulting inaugural State of the Lansing   “The greatest value the report can bring to the region   first time ever, the State of the Lansing Region

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