Page 26 - LRCC December 2023 FOCUS
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expand its service area for individual of E.W. Sparrow Hospital with
and small group plans. Individuals help from a team of highly skilled
who live in Huron, Montcalm, and Emergency Department caregivers.
Sanilac counties can enroll in Dr. Moody was initially joined by
Physicians Health Plan individual Resident Nathaniel Gerdes, D.O.,
plans. Individual plans are also registered nurse Jessica Carpenter
available in Bay, Clinton, Eaton, and Sparrow EMT Amanda Wonsey.
Ingham, Ionia, Isabella, Livingston, Desiree Albano, D.O., an OB-GYN
Saginaw, Shiawassee, Tuscola, and resident, assisted after the precious
Washtenaw counties. little girl was safely delivered in the
family’s Suburban and weighed 5
the racial wealth gap. The non- pounds, 6 ounces. The birth occurred
profit organization created a faith- Monday, Oct. 30.
based reparations model. It builds
relationships with white houses of
worship and employs education
to link the hundreds of years of
systemic, structural racism with the
need for increasing wealth equity for
African Americans.
Game day for college football
Child and Family Charities fans is an exciting day. Visitors
continued its unwavering support wearing green and white pile into
to the community by donating a the Michigan State University In the spirit of Veterans Day, PFCU
home to Endeavor Ministries to (MSU) Stadium ready to cheer Credit Union is proud to announce
expand its program to women. The on their team. There is a lot that a commitment of over $11,000 to
112-year-old nonprofit organization goes into the day from ticket the restoration and enhancement of
donated the former Kevin J. Moody sales to concessions. For McLaren the City of Perry Veteran’s Memorial
house which will become Endeavor Greater Lansing’s emergency Park. The park was destroyed by
Ministries’ Angie House. The grand department, it’s handling the first the tornado that hit the city in early
opening of Angie’s House took place aid stations. McLaren staff delivers August. The tornado demolished
October 25 at the newly renovated first aid in three different rooms the pavilion, the seven flagpoles and
space, celebrating the collaboration throughout the stadium, each flags honoring our country and six
between the organizations and staffed with a registered nurse and armed-service branches. l
shared dedication to individuals and an emergency technician. They
family. Endeavor Ministries will use also have an additional emergency
the renovated space to extend their technician who acts as the main
support for women on their journey communication point with an
to recovery. incident command center.
Ronald Penfield, LMSW, is now The Lansing Regional SmartZone
taking clients at GPS Guide to recently hosted the 15th anniversary
Personal Solutions. Ron is a well- celebration for the Technology
respected therapist in the Lansing Innovation Center (TIC), which has
community and works within nurtured ground-breaking ideas
multiple therapy modalities such as and success-driven entrepreneurs in
psychoanalysis, cognitive behavioral the Greater Lansing region since its
therapy, family systems, and Eye opening in 2008. The event, which SHARE YOUR
Movement Desensitization and recognized the visionary leaders and
Reprocessing (EMDR), which is committed partners who have helped COMPANY NEWS
utilized to treat trauma. the TIC over the past 15 years, included LRCC members can send a press
the first public showing of the LRSZ release and photo about new hires,
Physicians Health Plan announced video commemorating this milestone. promotions, company recognitions or
awards to
it has received approval from the and we will share it in our popular
Michigan Department of Insurance A baby eager to enter the world Members on the Move section.
and Financial Services (DIFS) to was born in the parking garage