Page 22 - LRCC Jan 2023 FOCUS
P. 22
NEW HIRES department
and oversee
Union Bank its financial
has announced and regulatory
the addition functions.
of John Rop, Rorie will work
vice president, directly with
mortgage sales LAFCU’s chief
manager. Rop financial officer
will be integral Rivers DeLano Rorie to maintain
in building the a highly
bank’s mortgage McKenna S. Rivers and Austin cohesive and trained accounting
program by M. DeLano have joined Loomis, department and support all finance
providing strategic oversite for Ewert, Parsley, Davis & Gotting and accounting functions at the
origination and sales processes P.C. in Lansing as associate credit union.
to ensure his team has every tool attorneys. Rivers will handle
necessary to provide the right matters in energy, environmental, AWARDS
personalized solution, every time. employment, and business and
commercial law. Delano will
State Rep. specialize in labor, employment,
Angela business, and corporate law.
Witwer (Delta
Township), Martin Waymire, a Michigan-
the chair of based, full-service public relations
the House and digital marketing firm with a
Appropriations focus on public policy, announced
Committee, the hiring of Kamryn Johnson
has named as an assistant communications
Joe Fedewa as strategist. Johnson is a recent
senior budget graduate of the University of
advisor. Fedewa is currently serving Michigan-Dearborn, where he E.W. Sparrow Hospital nurse
as deputy director of legislative earned a bachelor’s degree in Della Uekert has been recognized
affairs for Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, communications with a minor in with the DAISY Award for going
after previously serving as music and a certificate of public above and beyond to deliver
legislative director for Witwer and relations. compassionate care for a patient
former state Rep. Tom Cochran suffering from Covid. John Aleo,
(D-Mason), as well as government Dickinson who had most of his pituitary gland
affairs manager for the Michigan Wright is removed nearly three years ago
League of Conservation Voters. pleased to because of a tumor, was diagnosed
announce that with Covid this fall but wasn’t
Kelley Cawthorne, the Midwest’s Cole Lussier has able to create enough adrenaline
leading multi-client lobbying joined the firm’s to fight the virus. As a result, he
firm, has expanded its association Lansing office was placed on a ventilator at
management practice with the as Of Counsel. the hospital. He formed a close
addition of Certified Association Lussier most bond with Uekert, who provided
Executive Jacquelen Timm. Lussier recently served exceptional and comforting care in
She joins Kelley Cawthorne to as general the Medical Intensive Care Unit.
lead its expanding association counsel for the Michigan Senate,
management practice. As director where he managed litigation, Greg Lemanski with Lemanski
of association management provided legal advice regarding State Farm Agency has been
and communications, Timm will potential legislation and the awarded the National Quality
support clients in managing their legislative process, and served as Award for Life and Annuities for
association operations and guide chief legal advisor to the Senate the 22nd consecutive year. The
the formation of new associations majority leader. National Association of Insurance
by bringing industry competitors and Financial Advisors recognizes
together to create additional Leslie Rorie has joined LAFCU as a agents whose persistency
representation in Lansing. controller, where she will supervise records indicate competence
the credit union’s accounting and dedication to the insurance