Page 16 - LRCC July 2022 Focus
P. 16



           An Award-Winning Evening



                         hot June evening could not deter an                               “Our entire business
                         enthusiastic crowd of business and                                 community has been
                        community leaders from enjoying                                     a shining example
                        the Lansing Regional Chamber of                                     of resilience the past
              Commerce (LRCC) Annual Dinner, held June 16 at                                couple of years. We are
         the Eagle Eye Golf Club. A general feeling of optimism,                            emerging from COVID
        despite some of the economic challenges of the past                                 in very strong shape and
        couple of years, or recognizing the contributions of many                           experiencing solid growth,”
        community leaders, the atmosphere was upbeat and                                    said Zamiara. “The type of
        festive. Michael Thomas of WLNS-TV News 6 emceed the            ZAMIARA             leadership that has been
        evening’s festivities.                                                              a hallmark of our business
                                                                community for decades and has certainly been evident
        LRCC Board of Directors Chair Mike Zamiara opened the   the past couple of years will be needed on many fronts as
        program by welcoming the crowd and congratulating       we move forward through the rest of 2022.”
        the LRCC team and its members for their hard work and
        success in the past year. Zamiara also noted the struggles   LRCC President and CEO Tim Daman joined in
        that we all endured during COVID-19 and paid tribute    welcoming the crowd and thanking LRCC members,
        to the regional business community for its leadership in   volunteers and staff who contributed to the
        navigating and ultimately thriving through the challenges.  organization’s continued success and vitality.

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